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My eyes opened hours later due to the pounding of my head where I had fallen on it. I winced and brought a hand up to feel my forehead, then immediately removed it once I hissed felt the pain.
I was still laying on the forest floor, the fallen tree not five feet from my body. The rain had stopped, but I could tell it had been one hell of a storm. From my laying position on the ground, I could see fallen branches, sticks and leaves everywhere. As far as I could tell, Ember was nowhere near, and once I slowly sat up, that assumption was confirmed.

I sighed, it was probably for the better that we were separated. It probably would have happened before the two weeks were up anyway. Before I stood up, I untied my light sweater from around my waist and shook out the leaves that were on it. I brushed the dirt and debris off my tank top and my pants as well. Then I did my best to comb out my hair, but I knew I would have to find some sort of water source soon to wash my face and hands in.

Then I unlaced my left boot and gently pulled it off my foot, despite the sharp pain that went through it. I studied my ankle, now swollen and bruised with a deep shade of purple and blue. I grimaced. Just what I needed. But thankfully, due to the quick healing of the werewolf, it would be back to normal in probably three days at most. But for now....

I sighed and began lacing my boot back on again. It was pointless to try to find Ember, it was pointless to try to find other people, and it was only semi-pointless to try to find my mate. There wasn't even a guarantee that he was in the Arena. Once my boot was comfortably back on my foot, I tied my sweater around my waist again, then shifted into my tan and grey wolf. This way my ankle would heal faster, and Willow had a stronger sense of smell then I did. She could smell other wolves, and water sources.

So I searched for the latter, finding a faint scent within the hour, and set off.

••• 2 days later •••

I dipped my now-only-slightly-sore ankle into the cold, clear water, frowning as I did. The bruises had gone away quickly, and sometimes I could actually feel the muscle healing itself, slowly sliding back into place. It had been weird at first, but after the first few hours I got used to it.
The first week of this torture was almost over, and so far, I had only run into Jago once with Ember. No other males(or females for that matter) had come close to us, or bothered us in the slightest. Of course there was the occasional 'hello' at water pools and the nod then descent of our wolves running into each other. But nothing too major.

I pulled my ankle out of the water and shook the drops off. Then I stood up, carefully putting weight on it, and made my way over to my shoes which I had taken off.

Ember probably had continued her search for the girls we were tracking together a few days ago. I guessed she had found them by now. But that didn't matter to me, I had found a small place in the trees that was big enough to let me sleep there and had a small river running a ways away. My only fear was that Jago would find me again. I don't know what on earth he wanted, but he still seemed mad, not at all pleasant like the first time I met him.

I tugged my shoes on as I made my way over to my make-shift shelter I had been using for the past few days. My stomach growled loudly, interrupting my thoughts on the last week's events. I decided that I needed to go hunting for some food. Normally I hated hunting by myself, I wasn't that great at it and it always helped to have someone with me. But right now I didn't have any other option, so I shifted into my wolf, and trotted deeper into the woods.
Catching scent of a few rabbits that seemed to be traveling together, I headed in their direction, careful to not make any loud noises. My paws landed softly on the grass and leaves that covered the forest floor, and I did my best to avoid stepping on any branches or twigs of any major size.

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