This Isn't The End

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I slowly came to consciousness, blinking away my blurry vision. My head still throbbed where I had been knocked out, but it would be fine in a minute or two.
I was laying on the floor of a small room that had stone walls and floors. Thankfully I was tied to anything so I slowly sat up, looking now for Ember. Had she been taken just like I had?
Was she here too?
Was she alright?
The questions swirled around in my mind, making me dizzy with worry and exhaustion. The room I was in was dark so I couldn't see the whole thing. I also hadn't made much noise since I woke up, so she could be here with me and I wouldn't know it.

I whispered harshly. My voice cut through the silence, but it only echoed slightly and fell quiet. My heart sank.
I tried again, and this one I heard something move by the far wall. My heart leapt.
"Ember! Ember is that you?"
There was a short silence, then she replied.
"Solstice! Are you okay?"
I let out a small breathy laugh. "I'm fine, my head hurts a little, that's all. What about you, where are you?"
I heard movement again and then she came into sight, scooting closer to me. "I'm alright. Just shaken is all. Where do you think we are?"
She reached me and sat right next to me, our legs touching and giving me some comfort. I shrugged in response to her question.
"Honestly, we could be anywhere. But I'm guessing somewhere inside the Phalanx Pack house. Maybe in the basements, probably in the basements."
Ember nodded and went silent.
"Why did they take us?" She asked suddenly. I didn't have an answer for that, nowhere near an answer for that. I sighed and put my hand on her leg. "It doesn't matter why they took us." I whispered to her. "I'm more concerned about what they are going to do to us."


Titan's wolf skidded to a halt when he picked up Solstice's scent. She was here not that long ago, and he had just ran past the river she had mentioned. She should be here. Where was she?
She was gone.
So was Ember.
The thought hit him like a ton of bricks.
She had been taken, captured by Jago and his wolves.
Titan's teeth were bared and he let out a deep growl. No one touches his mate.
He threw his head back and let out a howl that rang through the air loud and clear.
Footsteps were heard behind him and he turned to see Aileen and Gage run up to him. They were both in human form, so he could see the shock on their faces when the realized their friends were missing too.

"They're gone."
Gage whispered. Titan nodded once, the hair on his spine still raised. Aileen blinked a couple of time and looked like she was having a hard time trying to keep it together.
"It's okay, we'll find them. They were here just a few minutes ago, they can't be far."
Titan barked, making both Aileen and Gage flinch. Gage put out a hand reassuringly. "It's okay Titan, we will find her. I promise."

Damn right we will.

He thought to himself.

And when I do, Jago won't see the light of day again.


Ember and I sat in silence for what seemed like hours before anything happened. We were silent mostly because we had nothing to say.
We were both terrified and confused, and nothing we could say would make us feel any better.
So instead of trying, we remained quiet until the door on the other side of the room opened.

Light poured in and Ember turned to hide her eyes. I frowned and tried to see who it was that had just come in.
It was Raeith.
My hart rate sped up and I could almost feel the adrenaline start rushing through my veins.
Ember saw him as well and and she gasped and stood straight up.
"Where the hell are we?"
She demanded angrily.
"Why did you take us? Who gave you the fucking right-?"
"The right?" Raeith cut her off. He laughed. "I'm sorry, sweetheart, Jago doesn't need a right to do anything. He's the most powerful Alpha in this country."
He turned to me with a raised eyebrow when I snorted in laughter. I paused, waiting to see if he would say anything. When he didn't, I laughed again.
"No he's not."
I said it like was the most obvious thing fun the world. Raeith's face darkened but by this point I didn't care. He turned his head sideways,as if he was daring me to speak and make his day. "Excuse me?"
"Jago isn't the most powerful Alpha in this country." I repeated myself. "I'm surprised you don't know that. Or maybe you do and you're just in denial."

The Hunt is OnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora