Let it begin

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"I swear, he could have told us that we were going to have a formal dance before we left! But no, he had to tell us the day of!"
I angrily threw down the rest of my clothes in my suitcase after searching through it for anything I could wear. Ember sighed, sitting on my bed. Like I had guessed, she had brought a formal dress and a whole outfit to go with it.

"Okay, let's go shopping." She told me. "L.A has wonderful stores, you're bound to find something you love." I thought for a moment then looked at my phone for the time. "It's almost one, we'll have to hurry if we want time"
She nodded and started getting her shoes on. "We can borrow a car, the city isn't that far away." I pulled my shoes on after her and grabbed my wallet and phone. "Okay, but we should tell Gage where we are going."

So we did, stopping only briefly to call Gage and tell him we would be gone for a few hours. We had no problem finding a car we could use, and we were soon out of sight from the hotels. Ember laughed suddenly, turning towards me. "At least we have one less day to worry about running into Jago or his Beta." I smiled and made a turn where she had pointed.
"I saw Jago a few days ago." I said, making Ember whip her head around to stare at me. "What? What happened?" She asked, scared. I shook my head. "Nothing, he was across the beach from us two days ago. Then I think Gage saw him too and pulled us away, remember?" She sighed. "Oh. That was why." I giggled. "You're so unobservant sometimes." She ignored me.

As we drove, we could tell we were getting closer to the city. We saw more people, more stores and more cars on the road. Soon enough, we were in the middle of downtown Los Angeles. Ember started rattling off stores that would sell cute dresses for tonight, and she pointed me in the right direction to drive.
"I don't know how you know where everything is." I told her. "You haven't even been here before." She shrugged, smiling. "I've done my research."

We found a parking meter, of course nowhere near any of the stores we wanted to go into, but that was Los Angeles for you. Ember paid for parking and we quickly made our way across streets and sidewalks, walking by many other stores. Neiman Marcus was the first store we went into, starting our shopping trip that would most likely last a few hours.


"Oooh, get that one, I think I have heels you could wear with that too." Ember told me as I felt the material of a sleeveless, short, midnight blue dress with black lace around the middle and a black bow. "I like this one." I said. "And it's not that much either." Ember nodded. "I could so do your makeup and your hair too. You're going to look so sexy." I looked at her. "And that's totally the look I'm going for." I said tonelessly.

She shrugged, not picking up on my sarcasm. "Why not? Are you going to get the dress or not?" I smiled slightly and picked the dress up from the hanger and walked over to pay for it.

The line thankfully wasn't long, as it was around four thirty in the afternoon. We had almost an hour drive back home, and I knew that Ember needed more then a while to get ready.
So we quickly walked back to the car we had borrowed for the day and started the drive back home.

Ember and I talked the whole way back about the dance. She wasn't at all concerned about running into Alpha Jago, or his Beta, Raeith. I wasn't either, not too much. But a girl can be paranoid sometimes.
When the hotels were in sight, I parked the car by the curb and we climbed out.

A few others were outside, running around in wolf form. Others were just sitting and talking, but we guessed the majority of people were either in their hotels or by the beach.
Waving to Caia, who seemed to be looking for Aileen, we headed back into our hotel, riding the elevator up to the third floor.

Our room was just like we left it, lights on and everything.

I carefully hung my dress up next to Ember's by her bed. Her dress was a sleeveless, gold bodycon dress that fit her perfectly, showing off what you would call her 'hourglass' figure. I didn't have the body that Ember did, not quite. Sometimes I wished that I did, but I also wanted to be like Ember a lot.

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