1- The same University...

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Here is Min Hee Won (yourself), the baby sister of Min Yoongi... Full of 21, studying in a university, she loves to sleep, play, write lyrics..Just like her brother.. Their parents have settled in the States, from 3 years. The new day arises.

(Alarm rings.)

Hee Won: "Ughh! You're too loud!", and saying that, she turns it off and sleeps. And within 5 minutes, her brother enters.

Yoongi:"Yah! Pabo! Wake up! Today is your first day of the third year at your university!"

Hee Won:"Wait...WHAT? Did you wake up before me?"

Yoongi:"I always do..Now you lazy pig, wake up! Its 7!"

Hee Won:"Jeez...Okay okay..."

And at the table:

Hee Won:"Yah! I'm hungry...Where's the food?"

Yoongi:"Didn't you say that you're gonna cook?"

Hee Won:"Oh!", Reality hit her hard.."Hehe..Its a joke...I'll prepare bread.."

Yoongi:"Huh? Bread only?"

Hee Won:"No...With Jam.."

Yoongi:"Aishh...This girl..", he smacks her head..

Hee Won:"Don't you dare to...Well, here's bread.."

Yoongi:"Thanks..But what about lunch?"

Hee Won:"I'll buy you lunch.."

Yoongi:"But remember? I've changed my stream, thus my university location has also changed.."

Hee Won:"Sheesh..Here's the money.."

Yoongi:"Thanks for the money princess!", and saying that, he gives a flying kiss...

Hee Won:"Eww..Don't act like you are bankrupt...Go now..Or else you're gonna miss the bus..All the best!"

Yoongi:"Okay bye! I hope you'll find a boyfriend atleast this year!", he says, fixing his cap and running.

...And leaving you dumbfounded, with your bread...That's why, you talk to yourself..

"Eomma! Why did you give me this kinda brother?!"

The local bus arrives... As usual, she sits in her usual seat..The bus ticket examiner asks her to show the bus pass and she does..

Hee Won's Perspective:
I'm peacefully sitting when the bus suddenly comes to a halt.. Another stop.. An guy around my age comes and sits opposite to me, but facing me. Hmm..The same Uniform..The same university..

You stole my SoulDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora