October Exchange 2022

Start from the beginning



Story: Wanna Be Yours

Genre: Teen Fiction/ Romance

Chapters: 8

Description: a story of 2 young teenagers who experienced childhood trauma who finds it hard to maneuver their way through life until they meet each other. realizing that they are both not alone in their struggles

Warnings: self harm, sexual content, violence

Feedback preference: light & fun

Average chapter length: 300-350

Reading preference: Romance, teen fiction

Will I read mature content: yes

Section I like to join: light and fun

Send a request to angelicgxrl: (inline comment here)

angelicgxrl's ACCEPTED requests: (Once you or the person you sent a request to accepts, you log it here)

angelicgxrl's FINISHED exchanges: (Once you've left your comments, you post here)

INCOMPLETE: 3 chapters of "Everett" with violetsadowski (LF)

2 chapters with PriscillaYiadom4 (LF)


UsernameCynthiaDagnal-Myron (has 2 books listed) ** ✔

Story 1: The M.I.L.F. Man (the sequel, "Always and Forever" is there, too)

Genre: Romance

Chapters: 30

Description: Disinherited trust fund baby becomes an escort specializing in helping older women live their wildest romantic fantasies.

Warnings: MATURE

Feedback preference: Tell me what you enjoyed, tell me what you're feeling, learning, wondering about--engage with the story and characters and just talk to us

Average chapter length: 2500 words

Reading preferences: I'm actually trying to "read outside the box," so I'll try anything

Will read mature content: Absolutely!

Story 2: Lessons In Love

Genre: Romance/litfic

Chapters: 10 (ongoing)

Description: She loves him. He loves him, too. But...who does Hunter love?

HUNTER STRUAN is an enigma. "Hot" on the outside, cold as ice on the inside. Or...that's the illusion he seeks to create. Abused and confused by so many so-called "well-meaning" adults as a foster child, this 19-year-old rebel trusts no one. Love, to him, is a con game. Just a word people use to reel you in.

But then his long-time best friend, KYLE MCKENNA--the "big man on campus" that all the women adore--suddenly admits that he's been in love with him for years. And Hunter finds himself inexplicably drawn to a new teacher only three years his senior who is already engaged and was born into the kind of stereotypical middle-class family he has secretly envied but made fun of his whole life.

Earth School is about to teach him a few lessons in love. But...will he pass?

Warnings: Mature

Feedback preference: Tell me how you feel--what moves you, what puzzles you, what touches you deeply. Or just have fun talking back to the characters in any way you like. Interact!

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