Chapter 33 - If Only

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Jisoo POV

"They are officially together," I whisper to myself for I don't how many times now as I slightly grip my steering wheel while driving without any idea where to go in the middle of the night.

I'm supposed to be home a few hours back but the moment Lisa called to let me know about their status, everything turns to feel blank and dull. I'm supposed to be happy, that's how best friends should feel when they finally get what they deserve, right? I want to be happy but I can't even convince myself to feel that way. I know deep inside that I'm glad to know that they've finally made some progress but I can't help to feel sad at the same time.

I am happy for them and I'm sad for myself and the latter overpowered that happiness in me. It's bittersweet.

I've been driving in Seoul for a while just to clear my mind, thinking about what to do, where to go, and who to talk to in times like this.


"Look who's crashing at my place... again." She said as she leans on the car window showing her playful smirk.

"Y-ya! What are you doing here?!" I said as I slowly shakes my head trying to hide how startled I am right now. How did she know I'm here?

"Bitch, let me remind you that you parked your car right in front of our gate with your windows partially open, staring into nothing, and now you have the nerve to ask me what am I doing here? Are you for real?" she replied and walked to the other side of my car. "So, why are you here?" She asked again as she hopped in.

"I don't want to go home just yet and I'm bored that's..." I know it's a lame excuse.

"...that's why I'm here." And I don't have anywhere to go but here, apparently, my wheels kept on routing me to her house. That's lame too, I know.

"So you parked in front of our house without letting me know that you're here and decided to play, Let's see how long will it take for her to find out that I'm here kind of game?" she said and scoffed at me while shaking her head.

"Well, uhm... I don't want to bother you this late..." I said as lean lazily to my seat.

"... but I can't think of any place to go."

"Let me ask you again." She said as she turn her body to face me. "Why are you here?"

"Honestly, I-I don't know. I just want to kill some time, maybe?"

"You're getting used to having me as your pastime or someone you would only remember to visit whenever you feel like running away from something."

"That's not fair, you know it's not true!" I retorted without looking at her. I'm embarrassed because somehow it is true.

"So serious..." She said rolling her eyes at me. " wanna come in?"

"If it's not too much to ask for your time, I would love to."

"I'm not for free Ms. Kim, you have to pay me back in time." She said as she gets out of my car and walk towards the driver's seat side to open the door for me. "Come on, chop chop! Seems like we have a lot to talk about."

At the garden...

"Why are we here?" I asked.

"Hmmmm we used to do this before, right? Just enjoy the clear sky lying on the grass ranting about silly issues of our friends' misunderstandings."

"And no one knows..." I said as I softly kick the grass.

"Do they need to?" she smiled and lay the mat on the ground.

What if? - JenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now