Chapter 27 - Say it

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Jennie POV

I woke up hearing a soft sound of a guitar whistling through the air. Memories of last night flashed back pulling me inside a magical trance. I feel... different. Last night was one of the best highlights in my life with her, so far. A distinct feeling of change, it feels like our relationship was recharged with a huge amount of reserve. I feel more connected to her, more attached, more in love --with boundaries this time. I don't know if that's a good thing or not, I shouldn't be feeling this way, not until I'm sure that she feels the same way.

I saw the silhouette of her behind the white thin curtain slowly dancing with the gentle breeze on my balcony. She's playing my guitar. I wrapped myself in a blanket and walk towards her, hearing her singing softly...

I can't count the times
I almost said what's on my mind
But I didn't
And just the other day
I wrote down all the things I'd say
But I couldn't
I just couldn't

Baby, I know that you've been wonderin'
Mm, so here goes nothin'

Hell yeah, I'm stuck with your in-betweens, that every time I step forward I need to take two steps back.

In case you didn't know
Baby, I'm crazy 'bout you
And I would be lyin' if I said
That I could live this life without you
Even though

I don't tell you all the time
You had my heart a long, long time ago
In case you didn't know

How I wish, she meant what she sings...

"That was good... I love hearing you sing." I mumbled as I bury my face in the crook of her neck, wrapping my arms around her from behind. I heard her softly chortle, rub her hand on my arm, and kissed it while looking at the view from my balcony.

"Be my girlfriend, Jennie" I gasp hearing that from her, asking me to be her girlfriend out of nowhere. "I mean it when I asked you last night not because I'm threatened by Mino. Well, maybe a little." She honestly said I was taken aback by her sudden move, did she finally get there?

"Don't tell me you're asking me to be your girlfriend just because we had sex. This is exactly what happened with your past relationship Lisa and I'm not planning to be like her." And here I am guarding myself.

"Of course not, I asked you first before it happened. I didn't even think that we will end up doing it last night."

"Why?" I asked.

"What why?" She asked back with a puzzled tone.

"Why do you want to be my girlfriend?" I asked again. I want to say yes, but... do I really want to label this relationship? I'm sure about what I feel but...

"Because I want to, I don't want you to feel that I'm dating you because of convenience. I want you to be my girlfriend because now I'm ready...I have been ready..." I should feel happy because finally I'm getting what I want but why do I feel like something is missing?

"I..." she mumbled and tilted her head down.

"I... I can't lose you, Nini. I don't want to lose you." why can't you say it?

"So you're scared of losing me, that's the reason why you want to take this to another level." when are you going to learn to love me?

"No, I mean yes... I don't want to lose you and I just told you I am now ready to commit to you, Nini"

"Why?" I asked again.

"Is there a need for a reason why?" She's not ready yet.

scoff "Do you trust me?" I asked again.

What if? - JenlisaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora