Chapter 8 - Freedom

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Jennie POV

Lisa's earlier behavior continued to confuse me as I waited outside the bathroom. She almost stumbled on her own feet and slammed the door shut, leaving me baffled about what was going on in there.

After her muffled response I hesitantly asked, "Uhm, y-you're inside the bathroom, where do you want me to take a shower?" anxiously biting my nails and pressing my ear against the door to catch her response.

"O-oh y-eah I forgot something here uh I'll be out in a few," Lisa's shaky voice came through the door stammering, then the sound of running water followed her words. I could hear her fumbling around, causing objects to clatter and fall.

"Hey, are you okay in there? Do you need any help?" I called out with concern as I knocked on the door.

"Yeah, I'm fine."


"Hundred percent, Nini," a smile slowly crept on my face hearing her call me that name again.

"Okay, let me know when you're done. I'll be outside," I said, deciding it was best to give her some space. With that, I left the bedroom and headed to the living room to get my luggage.

My eyes fell upon a pile of papers scattered across the coffee table. Flipping through the pages, I realized that it was our research paper and my eyebrows shot up in surprise. Lisa completed nearly every section required for our project during her time in Busan.

"Wow," I whispered to myself. "She did all of this without even consulting me?"

Lisa POV

After that mortifying encounter, I couldn't help but scold myself internally. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! You're a stupid piece of crap, Lisa," my inner voice repeatedly echoed in my mind while splashing water on my face. "Why did I let myself panic like that? Of all room why come back inside the bathroom Lisa?!" I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down and gain some composure. "Pull yourself together dumbass."

I paced back and forth in the bedroom, attempting to convince myself that everything was fine and it was all cool no need to worry.

Opening the door, I took a deep breath and began, "Jennie, I'm sor--"

But I stopped short when I saw her engrossed in the research papers I prepared during my first days here in Busan. She looked up, darting her eyes at me sharply as I stood frozen in the doorway, my heart pounding in my chest. This girl has the power to make me scared for my life with just a single glance. Was she angry with me?

"How did you do this alone in a week with that condition, did you even sleep?!" she asked, her eyes still piercing into me. "You know that this is a work for two, right?"

I fumbled for words, my mind racing to come up with an explanation. "Uhm, about that, I thought of doing everything needed in Busan so you wouldn't have to travel all the way here. And... that's part of my apology. I mean, I've been MIA since last week. I'm sorry," I stammered scratching my head, my words tumbling out in a rush. "But we still need some revisions and your input, of course. We'll do that once we get home."  Why am I even apologizing to her? I did my part to make her life easy and now I'm being scolded for it?

"You didn't answer my question, did you get enough sleep? I checked the fridge and there's nothing but beers inside. What a- awww!" I threw a throw pillow in her face to make her stop. I think I've found a new mother, my God she's really a nagger.

"What the fu-aghhh! Lisa!" Yes, I threw another.

"I still have a few pillows here, stop nagging, okay? You're acting like a mad wife, geez," I retorted, rolling my eyes at her. "I sleep when I can. And as for my food intake, if you really want to know, I eat out or order takeout, I don't cook... I don't know how to," I crossed my arms, leaning against the wall, and held another throw pillow, ready to launch it if necessary.

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