​Chapter 16 - Cast Caution to the Wind

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Jennie POV

No label.

Just happy together and then that's it. We can say we are exclusively dating, maybe? She made it clear she likes me but she's still in the process of moving on. Stupid? Yes, that's right. Dopey? Yes, you can call me that. I was so drugged by her that I couldn't even think wisely, just like what Edward Cullen said, "What a sick masochistic lion," doing this will possibly hurt me big-time and I'm still doing it, risking my heart for her. I'm willing to wait. I know she'll get there, she promised me.

I felt someone hug me from behind while I'm sitting on the beach waiting for the sunrise. We rented a tent and set it up here so we could spend our first night alone. Talk about silly stuff until we drift off to sleep.

"Good morning my Angel," she said with a husky voice and rested her chin on my shoulder with her arms around my waist.

"Good morning Lili" I replied then she made her embrace tighter pressing her face on the crook of my neck and sniffing my scent, I just leaned my head to her, mesmerizing the view.

"My first sunrise with my sunrise, the epitome of the new chapter of my life, please tell me this is real. Tell me that I'm not dreaming," she said while watching the sunrise with me.

"It's real, Lili," I simply said as I tapped and lightly stroked her head.

"So what are we going to do today? Do you want to try activities here in Phi Phi? We can island-hop later, kayaking or parasailing, name it." she said while swaying me from side to side.

"Hmm, I think we need to go back to the hotel first and ask them what activities are they up to," I suggested.

"Can we stay a little longer?" she said as she lifted her head from my shoulder to look at me from my side.

"Sure," I said.

"Hey, what's wrong?" she asked.

"What are we, Lili? What are we going to say if they ask about us?" I heard her gasp.


That's what I thought.

I waited for her to answer my question but nothing came out of her mouth.

"So no expectations then?" I said, breaking the silence.

"What?! No! Fewer expectations maybe?" she exclaimed. What are we then? I ask myself mentally.

"We're exclusively dating, right? Isn't that a label? I thought I made it clear last night? Are you having second thoughts?" she asked as she moved to my side.

"I just want to make it clear," I said and stood up. "Come on we need to go," I added.

She grabbed my hands and said "Uh-I want to take it slow Jennie, I can't commit, for now, I just need time to work on myself, but it's only you Jen," then she stood up to face me. "Am I asking for too much?"

"I'm yours, Jennie, isn't that enough for now?" she added while squeezing my hand.

"Are you..."

"Mine too?" she asked again.

I'm confused.

"I'm sorry I'm not good at this, it's been a while. Please talk..." she added.

"Let's see where this goes," I said as I tucked her hair behind her ears.

"We have to be honest with each other for this to work Jen," she said while cupping and caressing my face.

"I know," I said while looking at her doe eyes.

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