Journey. . . Part 2

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Running down the path, I soon found myself lost. Where was I? I knew that I was in a forest, and if I remember right I knew this place quite well. But... what was different? I observe my surroundings trying to remember something - anything that could refresh my memory of this place. But it didn't work. I soon found myself feeling more and more lost as I continued wandering. I soon began to question myself: "Do I really know this place at all?"
This question dwelled deep in my mind for quite a while, as I continued walking in search for a sign. The farther I went, the more I continued to get lost, and the more this forest became unrecognizable. Then something hit me: why did I come here in the first place?...
Yes, I knew this forest, or at least I thought I did. And yes, I had been in this forest before. I used to come to the forest to daydream or talk with friends. But no, I don't think I've ever traveled this deep into these woods. So what was I here for? Was it destiny? Or, perhaps, did someone, or something, bring me here?. . . no, perhaps I'm just overreacting? I must have forgotten. But if I want to find my way out, I better keep going. Otherwise, for some reason deep down, I feel as if I continue to stay, something bad is bound to happen...

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