"If that is the case-" The Italian mafia spoke but got cut off shortly by the Korean boss.

"Well, I am glad that you are still here. I have no objection to you being here. Las Vegas has always been controlled primarily by the Cobra anyway with secondary support from the Raven. Now the Raven is still in a shit hole, I think it will be best to put them on probation under the Cobra."

The Singaporean mob smoked his cigarette again for a long period before he took it back out from his lips.

"I don't think that would be a very wise idea as you're giving the Cobra the absolute power in Las Vegas." The Singaporean mob said.

The Korean mob furrowed his brows as he replied, "The Cobra has always been controlling the state. Even after Raven's boss died, our trading in Las Vegas is still active with the help of the Cobra people... until that motherfucker Jeff Kevinskey fucked it up. You should be grateful that you are still breathing well in their territory now. If only the Cobra does not have the powerful connection to all of the state executive officers here, do you think we can all meet up so very often like now? I doubt we could even hold a meeting outside of Las Vegas with all of your weak connections to the other state and country's laws."

The fat man sighed out loud and nodded his head in agreement.

Dean smirked a bit as the Singaporean mob chugged in a glass of his wine. Shortly after, he added, "As for Richard Chu's death, I have talked to the officers already."

"You're mentioning Richard Chu's death... as if you know who the fuck killed him. Like he had mentioned earlier, you're the only one in this room who has that special connection to the state force here."

Dean glared at the slide and then turned his eyes to the Singaporean mob. "I wouldn't dare to claim that I own Las Vegas. There are always bits and pieces of things that were out of my father's hands before they recently fell into mine and my brother's. Let alone that man on the slide. He had always been my father's enemy, as you all have known. But, none of us knows exactly who that man was... Perhaps, should I just let the law handle it? Just so I can prove that I was not the one behind his death? That way it wouldn't leave any of you with doubts about me... for trying to silence out something I shouldn't."

"Isn't he the father of your beloved woman?" The fat man asked.

Dean gulped hard as he heard the mention of Giselle. He didn't know why hearing this sudden engagement of Giselle in the conversation stirred the flame within his chest. He blinked once and then flashed a cold smile. "That doesn't make him my father. But, thanks to whoever killed him... because at least I don't have to get blood on my hands."

"Are you implying you were not the one who killed him?" The Russian mob questioned roughly.

"Why would I kill someone like him? I think you should do some digging and see who was the real suspect behind this." Dean answered calmly while darting his gaze consistently at the Singaporean mob boss. "Otherwise, I can always interfere and get my men to dig up all of the information that we need."

"There is no need." The Singaporean mob blurted in annoyance. "I killed him. Is that clear?"

After the crime organization meeting, Dean held another meeting with his Cobra's people. He planned to reopen the casino again after all of the controversies. His time went by slowly without Giselle. He checked the clock almost too often, wishing that he would be out of his business hour soon. No matter how gravely he missed her, he knew that he could not run away from his responsibilities. It was not just the mob life. It was the responsibility and liability of his people, his men, and his employees. His father was no longer there to watch. His brother was too busy with the new branch in China which required his presence most of the time to be there. By the time Dean was done with his last meeting, it was already evening. He could feel himself starving after a small quick brunch that his man ordered for him.

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