He's Not My Boyfriend!!

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Naruto POV:

On the phone call Jiraiya told me that he would meet me at this cafe, which I find quite ironic because he would take girls on dates to this infamous place. I'm pretty sure Tsunade would burn this nightmare- of-a-cafe down if she could, which by the way were kinda her own words.

You could say the to love each other unknowingly, even though I've caught them fucking here and there I have no idea why they aren't permanent lovers yet.

But who am I to critique their confusing or light-switch like relationship? I was basically having a crisis over a stupid boy last night. I shake my head violently relive of the cringe when I thought about last night.

Even though I was crying over the damned raven I was also reflecting on my past choices, and I think it's times to change and take care of my mental health. Starting from today! I could feel my confidence filling my stomach like a positive fluid, except it was different from my old 'confidence' rather it felt like a medicine than a addictive drug.

I strutted happily on the sidewalk admiring the lovely weather, thinking about what to talk about with my godfather. Should I talk about school and what's happening with Sasuke? Wait-


Come to think of it, no one really knew about my new found sexuality or crush. Everyone at school still thought that I had the hots for Sakura, which I know don't now. I don't even think I should tell my friends, they would most definitely call me a 'faggot' or just leave me like American fathers in the 80's.

Wow, I never knew I had such shitty friends? Well they aren't bad but I guess they probably weren't the best either, considering the fact that they never checked up on me and my mental heath.

The only one who seemed genuinely concerned for me was probably Hinata, and Sasuke. He always gave me the look of:

Are you ok?


Please open up to me?


Let me help you.

Which is pretty big considering that he never shows emotion, like a horror movie robot! Maybe it's an Uchiha thing.
I continue to ponder about my 'beloved raven' on my walk down to the cafe, he was a big topic for my mind. But I bet my middle finger that the topic of Sasuke Uchiha could make Sakuras mouth run for hours on end.

I guess I couldn't blame her, I liked him as well and a crush IS a crush. It still pisses me off when she does talk about it though, even when I didn't like him.

I could think about him all day but as soon I hear the pink haired pussy say a word about him, I would probably explode like a worked-up firework. Or maybe even puke on the bitch, wow that's new coming from me. Since I use to like her, but she really never was good for me, I was just a back up option for her when Sasuke declined her advances.

When I finally stepped foot into the place, a hit of sugary treats, a hint of air-con air and the mentionable coffee smell hit me like a truck. I looked around, it seemed to be somewhat decent but I could really see why Jiraiya took his dates here. It wasn't to expensive and could make a good enough impression on the gal without losing to much bread.

I looked around the seating area seeing your random caffeine addicted adult here and there, suddenly I lock on familiar titanium black eyes, I could feel my body shaking as my pupils dilate.

Why is he here?


I swiftly turned around and awkwardly walked out of the cafe, so much for getting over this mental issues of mine.

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