A Stupid Test & A Stupid Naruto

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Naruto POV:

I chew my pen exasperatedly as my mind struggled to concentrate on the paper in-front of me, little indigo ink spots covering the page along with my outrageous handwriting.
I grumble in defeat, beginning to tap my foot on the wooden floor so I regain my lost conscious on this stupid essay Kakashi-Sensei had gave us.

The topic we were meant to write about was when a time you felt the;
'level 4 of feelings'
or depressed/full rage mode as us normal people call it.
I'm pretty sure Kakashi-Sensei is making us do this so he can get blackmail on us, he's one of my favourite teachers but definitely not the most trustworthy.

The only person who probably isn't struggling right now is Sasuke Uchiha,
his family is known to excel at literally anything they do.
Numerous of rumours and truths have been heard about the well-known family, mostly regarding scandals and the Uchiha Massacre.
Instead of focusing on my work I decide to have a quick peek at Sasuke from the other end of the room, he looked at peace but also quite into it.

The raven has always been good at academics, especially writing it was the his forte.
Throughout primary school to intermediate he always won those dorky poetry/creative writing comps,
he still has a memorial picture of his victorious face in Hidden Leaf Primary School.

"Hey Naruto, instead of ogling Sasuke you should ogle your own paper instead"

A husky yet playful voice intervened my current thoughts, I recover my composure and reply back with an awkward smile.

"Sorry Sensei, I just can't think of anything to write.."

My voice trailed off, it wasn't the best excuse but it certainly wasn't a lie.

"Well do you have any memories of being hurt? Angered? Or just unhappy?"

I shake my head, knowing well that I had those familiar feelings about everyday.
I just didn't want to write those emotions down.
It would be to personal, to hard for me to even think about them.
So why bother to pretend that they actually exist?

"Ok then, you can write about something that makes you happy, excited really anything that's in the overall theme"

Biting my lip slowly, I nod quite unsure about what will I scrawl up now in my already messy paper.

"Just try you hardest, all right Naruto?
We don't want another fail on your permanent record"

He walks off, leaving me to go back to my original state; thinking.

Time ticks by steadily, a tranquil vibe surrounding the classroom.
Whispers going on and off in contrastive phases, dying down by the gray-haired man's harsh shushes.

I drop my pen (rather dramatically) and raise up the half pen-dyed essay, I stare at it in pride and relief.

Finally, I'm done.

~Time Skip~

I took a massive swig of my, off metal-tasting, lukewarm water.
My impulse reaction would've been making a overreacted gagging noise, but all I did was make a disgusted/confused expression.

I decided to make a quick stop to the water fountain, to get real non-bacterial infected h20 obviously.
Luckily this school puts most of its money into getting pre-chilled water, somehow can't seem to afford ice packs.
Which is a mystery even the poorly paid teachers can't solve, I wouldn't be to shocked if the principal would be clueless about it either.

Distinct voices could be heard around the corner,
hm I wonder what they are talking about? I casually walk towards them pretending as if I didn't care, but I did.
Whatever they were discussing seemed quite important, I hope it was something decent like a rumour of some sort,
I really need tea material to catch up with the group.

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