Black Worms

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Naruto POV:

I sniffed my ramen, why did it smell so burnt? I did exactly what it said on the recipe, but I managed to make it look like black swimming worms instead of heavenly ramen! Oh well I might as well try it.

I took out a pair of chopsticks and adjusted it perfectly in place between my fingers, I picked up a bunch of cute coal looking, black noodles with the chop sticks showing no struggle.

"Awh man, this smells disgusting!"

I gagged aloud.

Unwillingly I quickly shoved the dripping noodles down my throat and instantly regretted it, I somehow stomached it down (after turning 3 shades of green.)
Then threw the rest out, it's not like I can use them as compost. Probably make a new plant disease!

I walk over to the kitchen slab and grab a big red, juicy looking apple I bought for last weeks shopping and go to my room with it. I guess this is my dinner now,
I thought while shrugging to myself.

"I wish some cute girl would make me a bento box, like the ones in harem anime"

I gushed. Then gagged once more over the realisation of what I just did a second ago.

I hope Sakura would do something like that to me, I would totally fuck her dead after that!

Anyway about Sakura..

I really should ask her out to the winter formal soon, everyone is going stir-crazy the past week asking at least someone out to go with them to the dance.

What a couple of losers, we all know they ask out any girl just to have a date to the formal. Even if the girl is drop-dead ugly, which isn't really convenient.
What's the point of asking Sakura,
she only wants to go with that ugly-hoe Sasuke. I've been trying to piss him off for weeks, even play flirting just to make him feel uncomfortable.

But what's the point in that!?
It's not gonna stop Sakura liking him or anything, I grumble.
I don't even know why I do that to Sasuke at this point, I think I'm addicted on how his face makes the cutest expression when I say something 'smooth.'

Wait.. DID I JUST CALL HIM CUTE!?Well think it- No, no, no no it's probably the stupid ramen I ate a a few minutes ago. There's no way, NO WAY that I like Sasuke,

I mean he's hella attractive but in a;
'its obvious that he's hot there's no
doubting it.'

Kinda way. I'm the straightest person I know right? I questioned to myself.


I shrug off my final thoughts and bite angrily into my apple, I look at the time 6:13. Maybe I should go out and take my mind off things, I grab my phone and press on Kibas contact.
The phone rang for a bit, I impatiently waited munching on my apple. It went straight to voice mail, I phoned him again that's when I heard a click at the other end.

"Hey Kiba, do you want to grab some-

"Welcome to Kiba (THE BOSS) is voicemail, sorry that I can't take your call right now. Probably with my best buds right now so shoo! P.S if your a cute girl please text me! Ah- shit have to go now bye!!"

I swear, the next time I'm seeing that prick I'm ripping his kidneys out and adding them to my fucking ramen to eat.

He. Is. So. Dead.

I guess I can go out for drinks by myself,
I can be a responsible drinker! I hope..

~Time Skip~

Fuck.. I drank so much, I lean onto the nearby pole. What am I to do now? I look over and see some sort of cheap, tacky shop.

I limp over and notice people, gangs to be exact, thank god my vision was blurring. They may be intimidating but not eye candy.

As I got closer I noticed they were more of eco-vegan hippies, with leather jackets? Even more of a reason to basically be blind, I finally reach the door step and open the door awkwardly
(Perks of being a drunk)
I go inside and see some guy standing there.

My head leans in confusion who could he be? I get to the counter and finally get a better-ish look of him, from what I could make out he looked perfect.
From his gleaming charcoal eyes to his dirty silver jewellery. He looked so classy but he was obviously older than me, maybe a collage student?

"Uh, what can I do for you today?"

Even his voice sounded sexy.

"Hmm, how about spending some time with me?" I smirked.

The raven blushed, which totally turned me on. Wait but I like Sakura there is no wa-

"Ah sir, this is a tattoo/piercings shop."

"Fine, I'll get a piercing left ear. Seconds after that my place?"

He went redder this time, I wonder how it's like doing a older guy?
Shit- I caught myself in 4K! I must be tired or something, I thought trying to make excuses.

"Sorry sir but I can't be in service to you in that state."

"What do you mean, are ya shy?"

"What-t no! I can't do anything when your currently drunk"

I frowned,

"Come on man, I'll pay you double maybe triple cutie"

I then winked.

The guy the sighed then picked up his phone, after a few second he then let himself out of the counter and started closing up.

"So I guess you are coming to mine"

I leaned on the neighbouring wall, waiting for a reaction or a reply. Nothing..

"Oi, ya listening?"

Still no reply, I grumbled. I walked up to him and poked his shoulder

"Come one handsome at least tell me your name."

He remained silent, this guy was really was getting on my nerves.
I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around then pushed him up against the wall..

"Hey. I'm talking to you"

Thanks for reading 💗🙏

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