Pretty Boys *Eye Roll*

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A/N: Might be some offence content irdk but if you are some how offended I'm sorry(-ish) 🙃😙

Naruto POV:


I groaned, fuck why was math so hard!
I was good at it..

Well 5 years ago, I buried my face exhaustedly into my ink stained hands.
(Went through 3 pens already)
I sighed in frustration. I know I wasn't really angry at the math problems, I mean I was (stupid math teacher!) but it really was something else.

My mind flashes back to me talking to Sasuke Uchiha, I cringed so hard I had to slap myself.

"Get yourself together Naruto!"

I slump down on my spinny chair and look up at my dirty, coffee stained ceiling.

"I really needed to stop thinking about this.."

Truth was I regret how I encountered Sasuke, I sounded like some obsessive hunk! I just really like Sakura, I know I never will have a chance with her but I still try...

I don't like Sasuke really but I guess I shouldn't been like that to him, not because I'm 'nice.'

It's because I know he's right about Sakura flirting with him, not the other way around. God damnit K-pop bands!! Now all the hot girls like the pretty,
'gay looking' dudes!
But I must admit Sasuke wasn't the ugliest in our year, he was kinda okay looking.

I look over to my cracked, dusty and partly spider infested clock. Which read 8:23, I probably should go make dinner and get ready for tomorrow.
I used all my willpower
(Plus some of my strength) to pull myself up and make some taste bud killing, spicy ramen.

~Time skip~

We have history first, what a bore!! I whined silently to myself, Kiba was at a dentist appointment
(Getting braces or whatever)
and Sakura takes ages to get her shit together for school. Believe it or not,
if Sakura came to school early someone probably kidnapped her.

I finally reached the classroom that we are in for this morning. I leaned in to twist the rusty, copper coloured door handle and entered the room.
The first thing I notice is Sasuke face down, reading in his tiny corner where he always sits. I could already feel the anger surge through my veins but I still remained calm(-ish.)

I quietly walk to my seat and sat down, jeez this was so awkward..

I got out my book and my the only pencil I owned which had chew marks for stress or boredom, either one.
Then I took out my phone and checked if anyone has said anything yet. Currently nothing, I sigh and look back to see Sasuke.

Still reading? That kid really has no life
I roll my eyes, I have no idea what Sakura thinks he has that I don't!

I continue to stare him down, he really is a pretty boy I thought.
His black silhouette coloured hair, shocking onyx eyes and his slender yet sturdy looking body..

And not to mention he is kinda cute.

Not in a gay way of course, but a guy knows what he sees.

Sasuke's facial expressions still stayed the same, even though I was literally looking at him for at least 5 minutes.
Hmmm, he surely looks good to annoy right now! My brain decided, I guess it's a me problem.

I ripped out a page from my very neat history book and decided to write something 'humorous' in it,
I then scrunched it up into a crumpled up sphere and aimed it at Sasuke.

Getting the right angle I laser the mashed up ball at Sasuke and it perfectly hits him straight-square in the head, enough to make him jolt like a pissed off cat.
His head flicks up, he opens up my newly made weapon and reads it.
A pissed expression grows on Sasukes face.


His eyes dart over to me, a crimson light shining in his pupils- Oh shit, he is most definitely mad.

I wriggle my eyebrows and pull out my tongue to help his current emotional state.But all it did was make his face turns red, steam started to spew out of his ears.
He lurched out of his chair and came speeding towards me, I crack an evil grin.

"What the fuck do you want dobe!"

He said sternly, as if he was about to lecture some like a teacher.

"What do you mean by that teme?"

I smirked innocently, he looked so adorable when annoyed! Wait-
what am I thinking? I ignore the voices in my head and look up at Sasuke.


He replied with a good amount of bane and a great amount of sarcasm in his tone.

"No wonder Sakura doesn't like you, your such a dick."

"A dick that your gay ass wants to suck"

I said with a ending blow, Sasuke was basically a tomato or really any red fruit.
He was totally losing it and it was quite amusing.

"What-t no-o thatsdhrsshjh-ufge"

He looked away from me embarrassed from the fact that
'the Sasuke Uchiha forgot to grammar.'
My smirk widened. He mumbled something but I really couldn't understand it, I was so tempted to annoy him even more now!

"Oh hey Naruto, what's up?"

I turned my head around to see Kiba.

"Did you the dentist disliked you so much that now your early?" I asked half-heartedly.

"Nah, surgery's in the weekend, just a quick meet up."

I look back and saw Sasuke back to his original state, reading away in a corner.
I guess it was fun as it lasted, Maybe I'll  'talk' to him at lunch. I look at him again, our eyes locked. I smiled evilly, in reply he turned his head towards the window and ignored me.

Pretty boys..
Thx for reading 🙏💗

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