Itachi And Naruto's Weird Behaviours

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Also THERE WAS NO EDIT I'M SORRY- ignore the ✨mistakes✨

Sasuke POV:

On Sunday's usually most kids don't look forward to the upcoming week,
which is totally understandable I mean who really wants to go through another torturing and repetitive week of school.
As a kid I would usually be excited and hyped to go to school, I remember Itachi walking me up there telling me stories about dinosaurs and other stereotypical boy-shit that he most probably made up the spot.

Those days were so nostalgic, growing older is just relating more to the more depressing parts of life, all the colour slowly drains away till it's a grey and dull world. The worst part is that I'm not exaggerating at all, it's just the reality of life.

But to the main point, this week was different. It sped by faster that usual and not to mention Naruto has been acting a little weird. Well I mean he is always weird but he's been weirder if you know what I mean, like he's been staring at me weird and then when I catch him he plays it off or how he's been avoiding me but not avoiding me at the same time!

It doesn't make any sense,
maybe he has some random disease or maybe I'm the one who's been tripping all week long.

I take a long sip of my coffee,
enjoying the bitter taste while inhaling the sweet vapours of the liquid aroma in front of me. Coffee was a controversial thing for me, either I hated it or loved, it just really depended on how I felt and today was a coffee day.

While I was both tea/coffee person Itachi is more of a tea person, but his co-workers are also addicted to coffee God knows how Onii-San feels about that!
I thought, imagining my older brother force feeding his colleagues his most favourite and dear tea, like an Asian mum making your non-Asian friends have more  curry 'n' rice (even thought they are stuffed to the brim.)

Anyway back to Naruto AKA my crush and English assignment partner, was coming to my home today. I couldn't tell if I was excited or nervous about that, have I mentioned caffeine takes the emo out of the emotional?

(A/N side note: any emo Sasgay jokes? No just me ok 👍)

I yawned tiredly, blinking my eyes to keep me awake. I guess the coffee hasn't kicked in fully yet, this is what I get for staying up all night researching and info collecting on the English assessment also maybe on Naruto's pro-folio. I just wanted to have some small talk with him, perhaps me and him could actually bond and even be friends at the least.

"Ding Dong!"

My doorbell sounded, telling me to go get the door. I got of my sofa and stretched, getting all of the weary and fatigued energy out of my body.

I put down my coffee cup and head over to the door while checking my watch, huh. He was 20 minutes late,
typical Naruto but to be fair I wasn't quite ready either. I open the front door, anticipating any reaction/action from the blonde Uzumaki but all I was met with was a yellow blob who looked like an over-thinking mess.

Azure eyelets staring at me. Wow and I thought that I was icy, he clearly looked like he was in a hurry.
Most likely woke up late, probably hasn't eaten breakfast and got lost at least twice on the way up here.

Stupid dobe. I sighed mentally.

"Oh hey Naruto" I greeted him, kind of hoping for a foolish reply from him.

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