Fishcake Fashion

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Naruto POV:

I slouch further on my couch, letting out a bored sigh. I was currently in my comfort clothing which really was just an orange hoodie and black shorts, obviously with my signature ramen stitch on it.
I haven't contacted anyone since the 'accident' I bet Sakura would be especially mad at me.

Another huge sigh escapes from my lips,
I close my eyes and contemplate on whether or not to procrastinate my French assignment.
Who am I kidding only losers like Sasuke would care about such a thing!
Suddenly a memory of his hurt face came into view.
Hurt, confusion, worry, anger and lots of other emotions you could see plastered across his face.

Those types of feelings were quite rare on an Uchiha, they were mostly known to be apathetic and cold. Maybe even evil and ruthless but never ever had the aura of warm and lively, though I can't say much. Seeing Sasuke like that surprised me, maybe I did feel a little remorseful which wasn't a very me thing to do.

Half of me, a very hated half wanted to hold him tight and apologise over and over again. My stomach started feeling full and weird? I guess there's no point of eating dinner now, I open up my phone and see a text from Kiba.

"Better not be about French" I say to myself out loud.

The message read:

'Dude, me and the bois 🥶💯🤙🔥 decided to have a boys night out, ya coming? We might get something to wear for the formal too! Since your off-colour, worn out blazer isn't the hottest things to wear for the dance 😂'

Damn. Never knew Kiba could write a perfect, total grammatical paragraph. That kid seems to amaze me every time, well sorta.

I wrote back obviously replying with a yes and a quick insult to dog-breath and decided that my inside day outfit needed some changing up to.
I went to check my laundry dump pile to find some clean clothes to wear, assuming crumb-covered jumper isn't the best to thing to wear out.

I settled on a wash-out plain black shirt,
a casual orange flannel, dirty blue jeans topped off with some funky looking socks and my everyday titian converses.
I snatch my yellow, overly used bag and stuff my phone and wallet in it, I stop to see if I need anything else which I probably don't so I go ahead and decide to leave.

As I stepped out into the open I still couldn't shrug off a feeling as if I was missing something. The sun was raring on my skin, like ants slowly biting away at me.

Why didn't I bring a hat? That's when it hit me, I FORGOT MY SUNHAT!!

I turned and pivoted towards my house to get my lucky cap, the one with a ramen bowl symbol.
Most would say my choice of style is questionable, but for me I'd say Paris runway models should try it out! Hm, maybe it's a personal thing..

~Time Skip~

No one's POV:

"I wonder what's taking Naruto so long?"

Neji slurped on his plum boba that he ordered about 10 minutes ago.

"He's gonna be late.."

"Hah! What do you mean he's always late, what do you expect from him."

Kiba snorted while he adjusted Akamaru's  new beanie, ruffling the dogs ears.

"Remember last time? He was like an hour late to Lee's party and his excuse was 'I forgot' at least make a decent excuse!"

Gaara proclaimed, making the other males chuckle in recollection of the blondes past behaviour.

"LOOK I SEE HIM! HE'S HERE- either that or it's some other orange obsessed kid"

Don't fuck with this piercer... PleaseHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin