Cherry Wine

10 0 0

September 24th, Saturday, 2022, 1:30.AM

(Trigger Warning)
This chapter contains events of domestic violence and obscene language. This chapter is NOT essential to the story and you can skip without missing out, I promise! (Alternatively, this chapter provides context to Dante's previous relationship.)

     It had been a long night for Dante. He was meant to be done with work at twelve. Despite it being a weekend's night, which is when he was his busiest and made the most money. His boyfriend, Darrius, had been making him come home early as of lately. Darrius had been texting Dante all night while trying to play the part of a concerned boyfriend, but it was more of a guilt trip. Dante had sore feet and a singular drink that night, so a friend drove him home. However, Dante had no clue Darrius would be inside his apartment waiting on him.
"Just go home.." Dante says quietly when greeted by Darrius sat on his couch. He hung his coat and tossed his keys aside. "I'm not going anywhere. You said you'd be home in an hour, it's been two."
"I thought you said you were going to work today."
"Obviously I didn't need to with how late you stay out." Darrius complains and stands from the couch. Meanwhile Dante was still prying off his boots from his late night of working. Darrius was standing his ground firmly in front of Dante. Who then sighed and looked up at the taller man, "I don't remember giving you the spare key for my apartment either. You left this morning and said you were working."
"Man, I didn't say shit." Darrius said as if Dante should've been brushing this off. "Yes you did. Don't lie to me. You got dressed and said you were gonna go in-" However, Darrius interrupted, "Quit calling me a fucking liar, m'kay?" His tone changed from passive-aggressive to hostile.
"Darrius.. We're not arguing, we're not yelling. I'm not calling you a liar. I'm just saying that you said you'd go to work, and go home, and talk to me later."
"So what? You don't like coming home to me?"
"Don't put it like that. That's not what I meant. It's not like I expected you to be here. Especially after how you've been texting me all night." Dante begins to trail off to his bedroom. He passed Darrius to get to his hallway door. Though Darrius blocks the way. The two stare and Dante knows, "Darrius, just go home. I'll call you a ride-"
"Quit telling me what to do!" Darrius shouts, tensing Dante. Almost making himself appear bigger, because he was- taller and stronger than Dante, too. Dante's head fell, he gnawed at his lip and knew anything he did or said could make things worse.
"I'm sorry for staying out late."
"Yeah, you should be sorry.. Probably fucking some of those friends of yours, huh?" Darrius hardly softened up to Dante's apology. He did, at least, back off from being so close to Dante's face. "No, not at all." Was Dante's short and somber reply.
"Sure are making enough money, too." Darrius says, ripping Dante's duffel bag off his shoulder. Dante's quiet while Darrius goes through his things. Though Darrius finds a twenty dollar bill in Dante's tip bag. This sets him off even more, "Who's giving twenties? Huh? Sure as hell isn't me. I know you're letting front row have 'backstage'. You're disgusting." Darrius tosses the bag, including Dante's tips, onto the floor between them.

     Dante's too strong to cry despite how harsh Darrius' words were. Besides, this wasn't the first time he'd been slut shamed by his own boyfriend. Sometimes Darrius would get close, shove, spit and holler at Dante. Normally Darrius would calm down and start to apologize after a while and they'd sleep it off. It was only at night that Darrius acted so mean to him. Yet in the day he'd hype and spoil Dante sweetly. Dante would like to think it was the booze or pills, but maybe it was destined to happen eventually..
"If you're going to stay you need to quiet down. I don't want my neighbors complaining."
"I swear to god you tell me one more time-" Darrius pushes in closer to Dante. Almost pressing Dante's back against the hallway door. Dante loses his breath in a moment of fear, "Just let me change, please.. I'm tired, and my feet hurt." Darrius finally softens to Dante's begging. So he allowed Dante to go to his room after some disgruntled huffs and sighs. Darrius began to pick the money off the floor while Dante changed. Though Dante's gut was in knots and his heart was pounding. Something wasn't right.. And he hesitated at the idea of locking himself in his room. He knew that was farthest from a good idea. So, at the time he did what he thought was best. Dante texted his sister.
"Dorothy, can you come to my apartment please? I need you. Now." - 1:48.AM
 Waves of replies came afterward. No one calls Dorothy, 'Dorothy' unless she's in trouble or they're in trouble. Dante could only wish to reply but Darrius was already knocking.

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