Dinner & Diatribes

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May 20th, Saturday, 2023, 12.AM

     It's a cool summer's evening or 'morning' in the deserts of California. An annual summer festival doesn't end for another three days. It's full of music and performances, shops, art, drinks and fun. With amber hills and rocky cliffs, RV's and fire pits, it's nothing but nature and happy folk as far as the eye can see. For the friendly bunch the journey has just begun.

     Red sands left tire trails in what looked to be a white light at the end of a grassless field. A few signs with glow sticks and streamers pointed towards the overnight stayers. It was beyond packed full of car sleepers, van people, and proper RV travelers.
 Spencer brought his own vehicle to sleep in. Janna had her  RV; she was a traveler in of herself but invited her friends to share the space. Dante was one of the lucky few to tag along with her. Though Dante still chose a tent for himself over sharing that hot box. Meanwhile, the other two friends, Terry and Oak, were more than happy with the free ride and free beds.
 Venues were being set for the following day. That would be the official beginning to the festival with big bands and performers. Music was loud as some were already beginning to celebrate. However, this crew decided to settle into the night with a few drinks, hot dogs and smores while all sat about the fire. Trinity, known more so as Terry, Oliver, known as Oak, Janna, and of course, Dante, were all at the fire no less than an hour after arriving. Spencer was late but still invited.

     With a groan and a few stretches Spencer stepped out of his red Jeep. He cracked his back with a satisfied grin. Then he turned around the back end of the RV to where light was seen flickering. Spencer found all his friends, and a stranger, sitting in a circle around a fire. "Smells good out here."
 Everyone promptly turned to look. A welcoming, "Hey! Look who showed up." from Oak. A small wave from Janna and a hefty sigh from Terry, "Unfortunately." Spencer scoffed, "That's rude." while fitting himself into a comfortable spot between the two girls. He kept an arm around both Janna and Terry. His gaze set over to Dante. A sweet sight to see, someone new. Though it seemed like Dante was choosing to sit silently and sip his drink. Sweetly Spencer spoke up to break the silence, "So, who's that?" 
 Probably not the best introduction. Terry says, "That's my friend, Dante.. Maybe just ask him and not me." Dante notices the vibe of the conversation between the pair. He glanced away awkwardly at their almost brother and sisterly attitude towards each other. Dante felt a bit timid around this attractive new friend he'd heard vaguely of. "I figure you're the Spencer I've heard about?" Said Dante, which got a small glare from Terry, a giggle from Janna, and a roll of eyes from Oak. Of course that amused Spencer. "Oh, so, you've heard of me?" Terry adds, "No, not heard of, warned of." and Janna follows with a nudge to Oak, "We knew they'd fight. How cute~" 
"Well it's sweet I've built up a reputation here." Though Terry continues being snarky, "A reputation to swindle any newcomer." Her words get a small frown out of Spencer, which is enough to make her appeased. Dante seems a little confused but it's clear Spencer's well known amongst the group for something. Probably many things. That only made Dante even more curious.

     After settling in with a few drinks and something warm to eat conversation begins to pick up quite a bit within the group. Janna's awfully snuggly with Oak. Meanwhile, he is more worried about getting enough service to send a text and smoke at the same time. Terry scooted away from Spencer to enjoy the warmth of the fire- so, peace and quiet. It's clear Spencer's attention has turned almost entirely to Dante. He didn't do well under the pressure of longing stares. So Dante sparks a conversation first, "So.. you came out here all by yourself?"
"Yeah. Actually, I kind of do my own thing most the time. It's cool you came out here with them- I mean, I assume."
I did come with Janna but I've got my own tent. I brought too many clothes to share that space with them." 
"Oh, that's cool. So you dress up for these festivals?" Spencer asks, now curious as he decides to get closer to Dante. "I guess you can call it that." Dante shrugs, spinning his empty bottle about and averting his gaze. Normally he wasn't so shy but it was hard to tell how open he could truly be with this stranger. Spencer doesn't question Dante further and continues with an idea instead, "Well I'm here for the music. It's cool being around for my friends that play in these venues." With a grin he adds, "Speaking of.. A friend is playing up the hill. I'm sure you can hear it and see it." Spencer looks over his shoulder and behind him to what seems to be a small party up and over the rocky hills. A few woos and whistles, a good base, and a guy with a guitar was heard but only faintly. It was common for the empty spaces to fill when the bands weren't around. It seemed like cogs were now turning for everyone at that thought.
"And I'm the only one with a car. I could easily, y'know, take us all up there?" Spencer offers. Terry chimes in, obviously, "Hold on. I'm always the babysitter. If you're driving you have to stay sober Spence." Which Spencer sighs and nods along to her persistent words. "Yeah yeah, obviously I will." Oak and Janna look at each other to seize the opportunity and Oak speaks up, "Well.. We'll stay back. You guys have fun." Terry nearly hated the idea of partying without Janna and huffed, "You two better not mess up my top bunk." Janna just laughs at her friend's stubbornness, "Oh we will." Dante was cluelessly smiling at all the friendly banter. A drink and some music didn't sound all that bad at all. Maybe it'd give him a chance to get to know this new stranger better.

     Spencer started his car up and got the air flowing. Terry promptly went for the passenger's door, but Dante put a word in while it was just the two of them. "What was I 'warned' about with him again? I think he's awfully cute Terry." With that said her hand falls from the handle. She sighs, leans against the car and side-eyes Spencer gleefully waiting for them. Terry replies softly, "Dante.. You know he's just trying to get in your pants. C'mon, don't act dumb- Oh an don't say that. 'He's cute, he's nice, he's blah blah blah.' Obviously he's being charming but that's just how he'll get to you!" Her advice seemed to go right through Dante, "I trust you Terry, but give him a chance. How would you know anyway?" It seemed like she didn't want to answer that. So Dante takes the passenger handle and Terry gives in to the back seat.

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