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"Now before we begin what do you wish for me to call you?" Luscious asks.

"My...." Calysta attempted as her voice got lodged into her throat she took a moment to clear her throat, "my name is Calysta you're majesty."

Luscious waves a hand in dismissal, "please just refer to me as Luscious." He states

Calysta wasn't so sure that being informal towards the king was appropriate but if he was the one calling the shot perhaps the best practice was to keep her thoughts to herself.  She replied with a mere nod of the head.

"For all your bravado I figured you'd be a bit more talkative," he observes but then shrugs, "no matter tell me my lady do you like games?"

"I...I guess so...sure,"

Truth be told Calysta hadn't had the chance to play any types of games since her father passed away and Calysta was certain that this game of his was going to be much more deadly than your casual game of chess or checkers.

"I hope you enjoy your stay here a Tenora castle, it's spacious, stocked with plenty of rooms, each one adorned with luxury beyond your imagination, I'm certain we can find such a room befitting my new esteemed resident." He smiled at her then and Calysta couldn't help but felt a shiver run down her spine.  "I want you to be able to pick a room that's going to suit your needs I want you to be as comfortable as possible, since you'll be spending the remainder of your days here."

Calysta blinked rapidly she needed a moment to gather her thoughts, he was throwing a lot at her at once she barely had enough time to absorb the fact, he had actually chosen her let alone trying to find a room to stay in and play a game on top of everything her mind was spinning everything was happening at a rapid pace and it left her dizzy.

"I sense that you're nervous," Luscious states

Calysta let out a nervous laugh that came out more of a squeak of course she was nervous here she was I an unfamiliar place filled with monsters and her whole life hand changed in the span of mere minutes, what did he expect?

"Well that just will not due, we need a game that'll help break the ice, ease some of your tension I want you to be comfortable here for we are expected to live till death do us part," He chuckled darkly.

That's exactly what Calysta was worried about till death and it might happen sooner rather than later.

"Ah, I have an idea, how about a game of tag?" Luscious asked.


Calysta remember being a young child at the market place watching as other children chase after one another, screaming and yelling the word tag.  Being at the market place was all about business and making trades on the items he found while on his adventures Calysta was always fascinated with what her father always found, like lost trinkets on a grandiose adventure, so she very rarely played with the other children, but despite that she was pretty sure she still knew the basics of the game. 

"So how about I will become the chaser and while we are playing this will give you a chance to find a room."

"W....wh....what!?" Calysta stammered.

Was he actually serious about this, everyone knew demons outmatched humans in every way, this was obviously an unfair game.  Even if she had become the chosen chaser there was no way she could catch him.  Calysta then began to fear that this simple child's game was an a ruse to disguise a hidden agenda and that frightened her.

"I'll even be a gracious host and give you a five second head start," Luscious adds.

Five seconds?

What a joke!

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