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For the second time today, Calysta felt as if she would feint.  Of all the places she could have chosen why did it have to be HIS room.  Calysta's back stiffened as her entire body froze as she felt the strings of her apron loosen.

"You must be awfully about I get you to bed?" he offers his words holding such dark promise.

Calysta ripped off her apron and flung it at him, Luscious catches it before it hit his face and took a step back.

"You scandalous thing you wish to undress out here?" he asks lifting an amused eyebrow.

Calysta narrowed her gaze as a realization hit her, "you still owe me a prize."

"Do I now?"

"I chose a room before you could tag me therefore, I won." Calysta insists

Luscious smirks chuckling darkly, "very well then what shall it be?"

Luscious lifted her chin realizing this might be her one and only chance to out maneuver him.

"I want a new room.... that is my prize."

"Denied," Luscious replied quickly crossing his arms over his chest.

"Why not!?" Calysta demanded

"Because those were not the rules."

"You never said I had to stay in that room only that I chose a room," Calysta challenged

Luscious narrowed his gaze into a deadly glare, he stood there for the longest time starring her down.  Finally, he smirked as he closed his eyes as he leans against one of the walls.

"No, I suppose I did not."

Calysta felt a small victory fluttering inside her chest and before hew could challenge her win she repeated her request again.

"I wish to have my own room."

"Go I will send Wisp to meet with you at the bottom of the stairs and he will see to it your request."

Breathing a sigh of relief Calysta went to make her way down the stairs, but before she could even take a single step Luscious snatches her wrist and pulls her against his chest as he grips her chin tilting her face up to his.

"A word of warning my love, don't always count on luck being on your side."

His warning hung in the air threatening more than any weapon could ever be especially as those golden eyes pierced through to her very soul.  Luscious slowly released her chin as his fingers trailed her chin and neck.  Calysta felt frozen on the spot as if those eyes held a power over her the forbid her to move, she couldn't even move her mouth to form her words, what kind of creature was he to hold such power over her?

Luscious smirks as he went to open his door as he held it open.

"Having second thoughts?"

Calysta blushing and takes off down the stairs like a frightened rabbit stumbling down the stairs, clutching the stair rail to keep herself upright and she could hear Luscious's laughter fill the stairwell.  His laughter echoed loudly bouncing off the walls surrounding her before fading off like a whisper in the wind.  Calysta stopped near the end of the stairs and took a risk and looked behind her and nearly jumped out of her skin as she heard Luscious slam the door shut.

With Luscious shut up inside of his room and for the moment being left alone on the stairs Calysta took in a deep breath and for the first time since she had received her letter summoning her to the castle Calysta felt a sense of safety.  Despite however small or fleeting it was, Calysta cherished it all the same for who knows how long that feeling would last.  Relishing in her newfound security Calysta took her time going down the last few remaining stairs and to her surprise Wisp was there waiting for her.

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