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Surprisingly enough the ride through the forest was relatively smooth which was impressive considering how the carriage was being pulled by one single creature.  Not once did the carriage stop not even so much as wobble as they made their way through the foliage of trees.  As night crept upon them the moon illuminated the path once they broke free from the trees and revealed the cliffs and the mountain range that towered over them.  Calysta took a peak and gasped as she gazed upon the breathtaking view, the mountains were just beautiful and even though she knew she were she was headed it was hard not to take in her surroundings and enjoy nature at it's most finest.  The path curved and weaved around the cliffs that led them up into the mountains.  Just then as they came at the top of the path the towers of Tenora castle came into view.  As they approached closer to the castle the towers grew and soon the entire castle was in view as it was nestled between the mountains and cliff walls to guard against any attackers not that there has been any since the end of The Race War.

Tenora castle was unlike anything Calysta could have imagined it to be, not only was it large and intimidating it was beautiful in it's own dark kind of way.  At the top of the towers were large spikes that circled the tower like teeth snapping at the sky.  The stone was the color of night itself and there were more windows than Calysta had ever seen on a building before, each one adorned with a set of black curtains that remained shut to keep out unwanted onlookers not that anyone would be crazy enough to go peeking through the windows of The Demon King's castle.  The whole castle was very dark and dreary looking, but Calysta couldn't help but admire the craftsmanship.  It was like something out of a fairytale come to life it was scary but yet wondrous all at the same time. 

As they rode closer towards the castle Calysta saw a huge iron fence that surrounded the entire castle.  The fence was probably twice her height and heavier than anything Calysta had ever lifted before, she also noticed at gate that a figure she could barely make out swung open with ease.  Next to the gate were two large stone pillars and standing guard were a pair of winged creatures.  Their wings towered over their heads in midflight, their tails cascading down the stone, ears pointed almost like a swords tip and their faces frozen into a eternal snarl to showcase many rows of teeth. 

As Calysta was starring at the statues she then noticed other carriages being pulled towards the gate that would occasionally stop and a door would open the creature who had opened the gate would open the carriage door and escort the woman inside.  The carriages didn't move on they just stayed put as if waiting for something.  After a few minutes had passed the figure would then return with the girl and he would help her back inside the carriage shut the door and the carriage would leave and then the next carriage would pull up and thus the cycle would continue. 

Were those the women he was refusing?

It didn't seem like it was taking him long to make a decision at least which wasn't exactly a comforting thought but at least she wouldn't have long to await her fate.  Leaning back into her seat Calysta took a deep breath trying to calm herself as her hands began to shake with nerves.  Calysta had counted the carriages that were in line before her, four, only four carriages stood between her and the Demon King.  Calysta hoped that he would choose a bride before her turn was up and the rest of the girls would be turned away and they would all go home safe and sound.  However, that thought became less likely as every once in awhile she would feel the carriage move creeping ever so closer to the gate.  Finally her carriage came to it's final stop and the latch to her carriage door clicked and her stomached clenched into a knot as the door was opened and a hand extended inside.

"Welcome to Tenora castle," a soft elegant voice recited.  His words were bored and nonchalant as if he had said the same words over and over again and he was beginning to tire of the whole ordeal. 

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