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Imagine a time where monsters of the worst kind roamed the realm, childhood nightmares and fears manifested from our dreams into reality.  Human kind faced extinction as their bodies began to litter the streets.  Demons ruled the world for they outmatched the humans in every aspect, because how could a human hope to outmatch a monster.  The humans tried to rally and fight back these creatures but many fell and so very few survived.  People had already begun to call this time The Demon Wars and the humans nearly lost.

The leader of the demons was a creature by the name of Toppah and he was known as The King of Demons.  He was a fierce creature taller than some buildings people claimed and had horns that curved down his back and a beard like the mane of a lion. Toppah's strength knew no limits as he was known to topple large human villages by himself.  No man nor demon could hope to match him, but he finally met his match when he came across a fair human maiden by the name of Lilliana.  Her beauty was unlike anything he had ever came across before and it left him motionless.  Lilliana stood before him with no fear in her eyes and with more courage than any army he had come across before.  It was that bravery that struck a chord inside of him and he knew he wanted to have this woman as his own.  Toppah surrendered his weapons at her feet to signal he meant her no harm and thus began the unlikely courtship between the two.

Despite their secret courtship the war continued to rage on and as bodies continued to drop Lilliana knew something must be done to stop this war.  Lilliana approached Toppah and begged him to stop this war, Toppah said he would end the war on one occasion, if she was to become his bride.  Lilliana agreed to become his bride but she stated she would only become his bride if he could promise her that her people would be protected even after she was gone.  Thus, The Treaty was created.

Toppah wed his fair maiden Lilliana and on their wedding night the two formed a blood pact and deciphered it onto paper and it read as follows:

"From this day forward demons and humans will live as equals.  The next King that comes to power must marry a human bride.  She must be of marrying age, which will follow human customs.   She must not already be wed, although a widow is acceptable.  Once chosen the bride will rule by his side and will be expected to produce a male heir that will then be set in line for the throne.  If no male heir is born within a set time frame or if the bride is unable to bare him a son within two years a new bride may be chosen. If the current king does not choose a human bride by the two-year mark, he will lose his throne and suffer the consequences and the Treaty will become null and void and none of the rules listed above will no longer be binding. "

The Treaty was said to be sealed by great magic forcing both humans and demons into a shaky standstill.  The war had ended for the time being and a form of peace settled upon the lands.  Now, not all humans and demons agreed upon the Treaty and some prejudices not even time can heal but as time passes The Treaty holds strong keeping our delicate balance in place.  In time finding a bride become more and more difficult thus The Tribute was created. 

One eligible girl from each household must be brought forth before the King and if she pleased him she would become his chosen human bride.

"CALYSTA!" a loud screeching voice called.

Thrust from her literary world as if awakened from a dream like trance Calysta closed the book quickly.

What time was it?  Had she really allowed that much time pass? Calysta had awoken early and thought she had enough time to get into some reading before her step mother woke up, but once again time left all meaning the moment she opened her book. 

"Calysta!!!!" her stepmother called again.

Cursing under her breath Calysta stashed her book under her pillow and opened her door rushing down the stairs taking two at a time as she raced to her stepmother's door, she then began to pile her mouse-colored hair on top of her head.  

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