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And when I touch your hand, when your skin touches mine, a shiver of love run down my spine.

It's like colliding of calm ocean and pouring waterfalls, opposites, yet met for each other.

Ofcourse you're the eternal fall of joy, with me being the stagnant life. A little joyous addition from your side, overrules my stagnant side.

You complete me with your smiles and laughter. Your nonstop talks is all I want to hear. Listening to funny stories from your entire day is basically highlight of my entire day.

Even if we meet over some coffee, or may we spend entire day together, my day brighten ups with the slightest sight of your face. Meeting you, being around you and being in love with you, makes myself and my day complete.

We may just meet for an hour, but even your the slightest touch, brushing of our fingertips, that gentle hug... This is everything I want with you. I don't crave for long hugs or something beyond it. Even your touch for a minute second is enough for me.

I may not be your life partner yet... But I'm pretty sure, we're gonna be one day ❤️

Pushp (पुष्प, A Flower) - A Series of Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now