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It was a warm weekend. Some would find it perfect for a picnic day, some for taking a week's worth rest. But Ritesh had completely different plans... He loved to spend his time in the garden, sitting amongst the nature, reading a book and with company of the gentle chirping of birds. As anyone would expect, Ritesh was strolling in the park, far away from the hustle of the city, deserted by the people.

Ritesh Pradhan, a successful entrepreneur and real estate investor, a man of few words as his colleagues called him and the chocolate boy, as the magazines termed him, loved to take long strolls in the park. Even though he was over the age of 28, he never looked like, tho.

He loved his privacy. He loved to spend time at this park, neglected by the common people. Although the park was well build and the Gardner regularly took care of the same, due to being build amidst the pandemic, no one knew about it. Eventually Ritesh, being a real estate investor, bought over the park as he found the owner one day who had approached him for selling the park. The owner was in a debt as no one visited his park. Ritesh bought it at once as it was located right next to his farm house, at the river bank and was well maintained. Ritesh found his new private park pleasing as he was a shy introvert. He regularly visited the park. He hadn't opened the park for public use yet.

"Good afternoon sir." The Gardner approached him as he spotted Ritesh in the park.

"Good afternoon." Ritesh replied with a pleasing smile.

"Sir I'm done with almost all of my chores. How else can I help you around?" The Gardner asked politely.

All the employees respected Ritesh. Even though he was young, he wasn't an inexperienced man in his field. He knew everyone's potential and gave them work accordingly. As due to the pandemic, many had lost their jobs, Ritesh was like a blessing to them as he offered them the job.

"Nothing to do today. Just go home safely. And make sure to visit the office tomorrow. We are having a vaccination camp, remember right?" Ritesh said as he sanitised himself.

"Yes sir. We all recieved the flyer about the same on the WhatsApp group from the manager. We all will be there in time." The Gardner replied as he fished out his phone from the pocket of his uniform.

"Great then. You can go home now. And for next two days, take a leave. Be safe."

"Yes sir. Thank you." The Gardner left along with few other workers.

Ritesh resumed his stroll. He found a good spot under the trees to sit and read his favourite book - Half Girlfriend by Chetan Bhagat. He oft imagined his better half while reading that book.

Little anyone knew, the successful entrepreneur was still single. Many dreamt of being his dream girl, but none were approved by him. He believed in true love. And he searched for someone he could love, since ages.

Suddenly, as he was busy reading the book, he heard soft voice of some musical instrument. He looked around to find a young lady, sitting few feet away from him, under a huge tree. She was playing the Rudra Veena - an Indian string instrument, believed to be one played by Mahadev. An extremely difficult one to play, she handled the instrument with ease. The melody that was created by her gentle plucking of string enchanted the area.

'Who is that lady? And how come she ended up in the park? I haven't opened it yet for public use. Let me ask the watchman about the same...' Ritesh spoke to himself as he approached the watchman.

"Nitin (refering to the watchman), who is that lady in the park?" He asked the watchman as he pointed towards her figurine.

"Ohh, that lady... She stays here only, in this bunglow society. She played music every evening... But how come she entered the park? I'm really sorry sir, I have no idea how she entered. You may deduct some fine from my salary, but please don't fire me..." The watchman pleaded as he noticed his mistake.

Pushp (पुष्प, A Flower) - A Series of Short StoriesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt