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Don't judge my choices when you don't understand my reasons.

Madrid, Spain ~ 3rd Person's POV

Eli got into the security system and disabled the cameras for the floor they were on. The device was kept in Emilio's workspace which they'd have to break into. It was also fingerprint lock protected. He could easily get in, but he'd need help searching for the device. That was where Cami came in.

They painstakingly tried not to make a mess of things as they searched for it. They had basically searched every nook and cranny of the fairly large room yet to no avail. Emilio might return any moment and it'd be really bad if he stepped in to see his daughter and Eli rummaging through it.

"He's your father, where do you think he could have put it?" Eli run a hand through his hair, frustrated.

"I'm as clueless as you. Papá doesn't tell me anything I have no business knowing." Camilla replied as she opened up more drawers to look through.

"Okay. Stop for a minute and think, if you were your father where would you keep something so important?"

She stopped searching to think about it. He'd put them in the one place not even she would think of looking. She glanced around the room thoughtfully. Her eyes rested on the portrait of her mamá. As she suddenly remembered that no painting owned by the Spanish mafia was what it seemed, she made a mental note to give her mamá a call when this was all over.

Just in case the portrait was like the others on Leo's island, she looked for small silver buttons but there weren't any. Her last hope was moving it to check if there was anything underneath. She held on to its sides and tried to push or at least lift it, but fuck the damn thing was heavy as hell. The gold frame must be actual gold. Her papá either went big or went home when it came to her mamá.

"Christopher, a little help?" She let out through short breaths.

Eli hurriedly walked over to her and helped lift it up as high as it could go. Underneath it was a safe with a keypad lock. It was alphanumeric, meaning it'd take some time to break into this one.

"Papá has the same password for everything. Can you keep this thing up so I can unlock it?" Cami requested.

Eli gave her a small nod, and she took it as her signal to let go.

'The hell was this thing made of?' Was the thought that crossed his mind when Cami let go.

It took everything in him to keep the portrait from slamming down on the back of her head as she unlocked the safe and retrieved the device. She put it on her father's desk, and helped Eli to gently lower the portrait back into place. She grabbed the device and they hurriedly left, shutting the door behind them. Eli remembered to enable the cameras again when they made it safely into Cami's workspace. She locked them in so they could get to work peacefully.


When Miguel's Rolls Royce halted at a safe distance away from the warehouse that stored the weapons, Ellie took it as her cue to touch up her makeup. She rolled up her hair, and placed a tight hair net over it to hold it in place. She shook out the wavy, short, black wig Miguel had picked out for her before fixing it perfectly unto her head.

Miguel took out a pair of black shades and earpieces from the console and handed one of each to her.

"How are we getting in?" She asked.

"The entrance uses a facial recognition scan. I can get us in." He replied, exiting the car.

Ellie adjusted her shades and earpiece before stepping out as well. They joined the guards in the warehouse without drawing attention to themselves, then split up so they could cover more area. The inside was much larger than she had expected.

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