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I don't have an attitude problem. You have a problem with my attitude, and that's not my problem.

London, England ~ Leonardo's POV

My father's jet landed at the WIA in London. The lawyer who held unto the contract I had signed under duress, was a reminder that my marital status depended on whether or not the chica signed the contract.

Amaia was a really good fuck last night, so I had decided to keep her around for a while. I handed her the keys to the penthouse that Lucia had occupied to seal the deal. Hopefully she wouldn't make the same mistake Lucia made.

I got out of the jet after Cami, the cold air brushing my exposed skin. This was my first time here in England, and I didn't like it one bit. I felt vulnerable. My father, la Rosa de Sangre and about six bodyguards were here with me but I still felt uneasy.

"Los autos están aquí." Miguel announced as a midnight blue limousine and two black Lamborghinis rolled up. (The cars are here)

We got into the limo and the guards filed into the Lamborghinis. One set off in front of the limo while the other rolled behind. After the limo came to a halt a few minutes later, the door to my left opened for me to alight.

The mansion was ridiculously huge, bursting with life and surrounded by bodyguards at every corner. A young man arrived out of nowhere to usher us in, and we walked in silence behind him. We walked down many different hallways, until we finally arrived at an office where only two of our bodyguards were chosen to enter with us.

A man I recognized as Federico sat in an executive chair behind a large L-shaped desk. There was a man in each corner of the room standing ramrod straight with stoic expressions. They all had their hands behind them, no doubt holding a gun. I didn't fail to notice that the chica wasn't here. I hoped it was a sign that she hated this appalling union as much as I did.



"May I ask where the little fireball is?" My father questioned.

"Honestly, I have no idea." Turning to the guy who had led us here, "Eli, please hurry and let the others know that our guests have arrived."

Minutes later he returned without her, "The Princess will be here in ten minutes." He announced.

In exactly ten minutes later, another guy strolled in with the chica at his side. She looked beautiful in the black gown she was draped in. The dress was backless and without straps. The sequinned bodice cupped her breasts perfectly, and the thigh high slit exposed her long sexy legs. Her loose wavy long hair bounced wildly at every step she took towards us. Everything about her demanded submission and respect, a true Queen.

"You must be Leonardo, nice to meet you."

It took me a while to realise she wasn't addressing me, but Miguel. What the fuck? I scowled as our fathers and Cami snickered behind me; Ava oblivious to her mistake.

"What makes you think I am the one you are looking for, and not him?" Miguel enquired, gesturing to me with a nod. I could see he was fighting back a smile.

"You can't expect me to think for even a second that he is the next Don of the Spanish mafia after I almost killed him a few months ago." She said with an amused chuckle.

Miguel only smirked and I stared in shock and embarrassment. I quickly recovered and tried to save what was left of my ego.

"I had my guard down"

"And now I wish I had killed you, then I wouldn't have been burdened with this marriage." She spat.

I should have been offended, but the disdain in her tone assured me that she wouldn't sign the contract. She turned away from us to take the chair opposite her father. The lawyer handed her the contract and she took her time to read through.

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