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You have two choices; be real with me, or don't fuck with me.

Private Island, Philippines ~ Leonardo's POV

I downed the rest of the juice after Ava left. She honestly surprised me. I had it in mind that she would not return, much less with pain killers and my favourite juice. Being married to her might not be that bad after all. I placed the glass back on the tray, and picked up my tablet. I connected the drive Leila delivered.

I scrolled through the information on the new maids. The photo of the second caught my eye. She looked really familiar, but I couldn't remember where I'd seen her. The name beside it didn't ring a bell. Tatiana Moore. Hmm. Probably another chica I had a fling with.

I disconnected the drive and inserted another one. I had ordered for background checks on the Shade to be done. It wasn't that I suspected any of them, no. It was just something I did to anyone new I was supposed to associate with.

I tapped on Ava's file first.

What the fuck?! The screen went blank.

I tried disconnecting the drive, but I couldn't. It was overheating, and had become mad hot. What was going on? Everything was fine an hour ago, why was it acting up now? My patience run thin, and I roughly pulled out the drive and tossed it into the waste bin. The tablet refused to switch on. How could the drive have acquired a virus in an hour?

I took out the laptop I had used for the checks, the original files were on it. I skipped Ava's file this time and clicked on Leroy's. The same thing occurred. The screen went blank. I slammed it shut in anger, grabbed my phone and dialled a familiar number. She picked up on the third ring.

"Something is up with the files; both my tablet and laptop are now permanently down. They won't switch on." I rushed out before she could speak.

"That's really bad. Leo, did you tell anyone else about them?"

"What? No. Only you knew."

"Calm down, Leo. My hands are full at the moment. I'll call you back later." She replied, then ended the call.

I run a hand through my hair in frustration, leaving my study for the gym. I rushed past Ava who was in a sports bra and sweatpants. I stopped for some unknown reason to observe her. I figured out she was the type who released stress through workouts over music. Right now, an instrumental was playing from her music box.

She dropped, exhausted, onto the mat after a round of sit ups. My eyes stayed transfixed to her figure as her chest heaved. I walked towards her, and stopped at her feet. Her eyes were shut, bringing a small smirk to my face. I positioned myself then dropped, supporting myself above her body with my hands.

Three push ups later and she still hadn't opened her eyes. I knew she wasn't asleep, even though her breathing had become even. Midway through the fourth, her eyelids fluttered open.

"Move down any more than this and I'll knee you down there." She raised her knee a little for effect.

I stared unfazed at her, then moved down more so that my cock connected with her pussy through our clothes. She gasped, feeling it hardening against her. Our eyes stayed glued to each other, neither of us attempting to move. Her hot breath fanning against my neck caused my eyes to drop to her lips.

"Don't you dare." She breathed softly, realizing the gap between our lips was slowly decreasing.

Our lips would connect, if I pushed down any further. I pushed up and she released a sigh of relief. I pushed back down, immediately planting my lips on hers. She stiffened, probably shocked that I actually dared to do it. I waited for her to push me off, but she didn't. She kissed me back, moving her soft lips in sync with mine.

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