Chapter 16: Desire

Start from the beginning

Jimin quickened his pace, rolling up the cuffs of his sleeves, "I can't wait to have a drink. The aura here is dark. Their blo-"

"Jimin." Taehyung's voice was terse, as he prevented the advisor from saying more.

"Right." The man coughed, nodding his head in apology at the prince.

Leila shook her head, walking ahead of them as they made it to their destination.

The three with the guards behind stood at the edge of the festivities. Close enough to see about sixty of the younger adults of Leila's origins, talking in smaller circles, some dancing, and others throwing more wood into the flames. The fire pit was high enough that it spooked away the night chill, and brightened the entire radius.

The princess swallowed harshly, some of the liveliness dying down as she stepped inside the circle of stones that marked the outside ring. Finally allowed in, though still not wanted. They had been told so many times as children to avoid her because she was different, that now they believed it. She garnered a few looks of pity. Some people shown with fear, moving in their small groups away from her. Most of all, dislike permeated with whispers that mimicked crickets in the open air, eyes glittering like crystals.


"What is she wearing? It's not of our territory."

"Too bad she's a mute, look at her husband."

"Why is she still alive?"

"I wouldn't mind if he bit-"

Leila did not wish to hear the rest, she thought, her eyes seeing things clearly for the first time. It was different, being here. Seeing it in front of her eyes, instead of a half mile way from her palace window. Hearing them spout nonsense.

They felt free to do it, because they believed she didn't care.

But she did.

Every one of their words was a sharp reminder she'd never been accepted here. That they would've been much happier if she never came back.

They all wished her dead.

But then again, other than Taehyung, who didn't?

She hadn't even realized she'd been staring back, her chest starting to move rapidly in panic. Every single person she tried to remain eye contact with looked away in fear, or laughed.

It seemed the only night she'd find comradery in the women she'd known growing up, had been the night they sent her away. Swaying around the open fire in the temple of Mah. Now, they could not bare to witness the person they ostracized.

She felt a hand brush against hers, a tingle going up her wrist. The young woman turned to see Taehyung staring at her, his mouth slackened with disappointment. He didn't say anything, but she swore she could feel what he was thinking. His eyes urged her.

'A proud flower that refuses to wilt, will surely make a fool out of the surrounding weeds'

The daughter of the moon turned away from him, focusing on slowing her breath. She would not wilt.

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