Imagine 33# - Brother

Start from the beginning

"I'm soo full now" you said as you yawned and patted your stomach.

"Well go get your phone because we're going out now" Austin commanded as he got up and put the dishes in the sink.

"Where are we going?" you questioned with one eyebrow raised due to your curiousity and slight confusion.

"Somewhere" Austin replied with an irritating smirk which made you roll your eyes.

"Yeah I know that. I meant where exactly?" You said with a bit of sass as your hands were on your hips.

"Well that's for me to know and for you to find out" Austin said whilst putting his hands up as in to say that he won't give more details.

You decided to ignore the lack of information and just do as Austin had suggested.

You got your phone from your room and ran downstairs joining Austin who was in the living room with his car keys in his right hand and the house keys in his left hand.

He looked up and cheekily smiled as soon as he saw you.

He grabbed your hand, dragging you towards his red patterned 4 by 4 and opening the door for you to enter.

"Well, thank you my dear brother" you teasingly thanked Austin as you climbed inside his car to sit in the passengers seat and Austin went round to the other side to get into the drivers seat.

"Buckle up {y/n} because we're late so I'm gonna be driving faster than usual" Austin warned you as he turned on the engine.

You did as told and soon enough the mysterious journey had begun.


Once you both had arrived at your destination, you noticed he had brought you to a bowling alley that also had an arcade and a diner.

"Here we are" Austin said as he removed his car keys from the engine. You seemed slightly puzzled on why he had brought you here and Austin seemed to notice that.

"I got free reservations for the bowling alley because my friend Alex works there so I thought I could bring you along and have some fun brother and sister time" Austin explained with a huge grin which showed off his perfect white straight teeth.

You quickly turned your frown upside down and hopped out of the car as Austin done the same.

Austin locked his car and then he playfully wrapped his arm around your shoulder as you both made your way towards the bowling alley.

Austin pushed the door open and you both went inside the building where there was quiet a few people already bowling.

"Yo dude! You're late. Here are the shoes, size 6 and size {your shoe size}. Now hurry and go, you're on lane number 5." a guy with silky brown hair styled in a quiff said to Austin as he pushed two pairs of bowling shoes towards Austin's chest and pointed to the number 5 alley.

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