Full Stop

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-x- Izuku -x-

"So... I found an odd trick, to help me with this power," Izuku said shyly. Shoto looked interested. Shoto pulled out the small wooden box. "Eating psychic type pokemon treats makes it easier to control." He thought anyone else would laugh, but Shoto looked surprised.

"How'd you find this out?"

"It just popped into my head. I know! It's stupid," he flushed.

"If it works, it works. And you need to catch up soon," Shoto said brightly. "Are you training Mitty, too? If you want to be a hero and all, she should be stronger."

Izuku sighed. "She doesn't want to be strong, she wants to be a couch potato and hang out with Taki all the time. I don't think she'll be my pokemon hero partner. How's Envy?" Shoto looked to the bed at his beloved joleton.

He sighed. "She's having nightmares. Loud sounds scare her. It's to be expected." Izuku agreed, nodding. "Do you think eating pokemon food for me would work?" he wondered, and held out a hand for one. Izuku blushed about the whole thing, and gave him a pokemon treat, little purple balls that were made of various different plants that wild psychic pokemon often consumed, along with added vitamins.

Shoto popped it into his mouth and grimaced. "I never said they tasted good." Shoto spit it into his little trash can.

"You're dedicated if you eat those."

"They actually don't taste that bad to me... it's weird. Mom thinks I'm a nut job for eating them," Izuku sighed. He ate one, and Shoto chuckled. "Want me to show you what I have so far?" Shoto nodded, sitting to face him directly, attentive. Izuku swallowed and took out a squishy ball from his backpack. He sat it on the floor, and closed his eyes. The ball was stretched and twisted. It was disturbing how it was what happened to Shoto, but it was the only thing he could actively visualize.

Shoto looked at it with wide eyes when Izuku opened his own. "That's cool. You're fast at learning." Izuku smiled at the simple praise. "I'm happy you got a power, even if it was traumatizing," he said, glancing to Envy sleeping on the bed. Poor thing.

"She'll move on, she has before. She's strong. Besides, I still have nightmares."

"Yeah, me too. I don't want to deal with bad pokemon in the future. The thought of trying to kill them or physically fight them never came to my head. Not once. I just wanted to cool them down and be rational. Can I even fight them physically?" he asked in a small voice, looking at his hand in his lap, pulling at a loose string of his cotton sweatpants.

"That's not what Arecus wants you to do, right? He wants you to be peaceful."

"How am I supposed to do that if I die? If they kill me?" He was being pessimistic.

"You can heal, and worst case scenario, you evacuate with Celebi's power. If you're about to die, do that," Izuku said in a kind, soothing voice. "We have years to figure this out more." Shoto nodded. They got to going to Touya's room and playing some videogames with him on his huge TV on the wall.

-x- Shoto -x-

"I mastered wicked blow," Shoto told Touya, who saw his brother had red arms, an angry, irritated red. "It's not the nicest feeling," he admitted. "It's too bad Bold isn't here and can't teach me dark pokemon attacks."

"Finally a dark pokemon move?" Touya asked in interest, turned his computer chair to the side to face him. Shoto nodded. "Nice," the older complimented. "Maybe be nicer to your body, though."

"It'll heal in a bit," Shoto said dismissively. Touya nodded, and Shoto went to get leftovers for dinner and then sleep. When he did sleep, he had the first Star Room meeting in two weeks. It was good to see him again, and he could tell him all about Izuku's progress. Though he had to see it with the stone Shoto wore religiously unless he was showering or sleeping. Though it rested on the bathroom counter or his bed stand when he wasn't wearing it.

The Weight Of The World On Your Shoulders (My Hero Academia x Pokemon)Where stories live. Discover now