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~Y/n pov~

I quickly, before thinking, put my hand between his head and the glass door.

I then hear someone or many people come down the stairs.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!?!" I heard Tommy yell. I look at him with a panicked look. "Tommy shut up and let's go help them!" Wilbur then yelled rushing over to me and Ranboo.

He pulled Ranboo over to the couch and laid him down. I looked at my hand, "Jesus Christ, my hand looks like I murdered someone." I said. "Ill go get a few bandages." I said right after.

I walked upstairs to the bathroom and pulled bandages and triple antibiotic. Then I rushed back down the stairs.

"How the hell is he still asleep?!?" I heard Dream say. I walked up to the sleeping Ranboo on the couch, and set him up so that he was sitting instead of laying.

I slowly started tending the "small" wonds. I sighed as I wrapped up Ranboo's head.

"So Y/n, what happened?" Phil asked.

I looked up at him before saying, "Well, yesterday I walked up to me and minx's room to sleep. In the middle of the night I woke up to a tall figure in the room, AKA Ranboo. I asked what he wanted only to realize he was sleep walking, he grabbed my hand a pulled me up from my warm bed. I started to shiver cause I wasn't expecting being pulled from my bed, so he somehow took off his hoodie and put it on me. He then dragged me down here and over to the sliding glass door. He didn't know how to open it, because he was sleeping, so he started to bang his head on the glass. I don't know how he didn't wake up but oh well, once he realized the door wasn't opening he started banging his head harder, until he started bleeding badly. So I quickly put my hand Infront of his head so he would stop banging his head. And that about sums it up."

"Holy hell." Techno said as I finished up wrapping Ranboo's fore head. I then started cleaning the blood from his face.

I see Ranboo slowly start waking up.

"Huh-? Why is everyone in the living room?" Ranboo asked tiredly. "Y/n- why are you wiping my face with a wet-wipe?" Ranboo asked straight after. " Do you really not feel the pain in your head?" I asked, looking up at him. "Pain? Why would I feel pain? I didn't hurt myself or anything like that did I?" He asked, I sighed knowing I had to explain the whole thing again, so I did. "Holy hell." (I was so tempted to put "holy shit" but I won't have Ranboo curse until later chapters *wink wink* hinting in the future *cough cough*) Ranboo said shocked.

"Yeah now have your hoodie back." I said as I finished cleaning his face then taking off his good and throwing it directly at him, hitting him in the head. "Ow- WELL NOW I FEEL PAIN- God damn." Ranboo said as he took the hoodie off his head and put it back on.

"Do we have any plans today?" Sapnap asked. I shrugged. "If anything I need some more god damn sleep." I said as I turned towards the stairs. "Just drink an energy woman." Tommy said. "I will start swearing in god damn Spanish." I said turning back and looking at him. "Do it pussy!" Tommy said.

"Está bien, sabes muy bien sabes que no soy un marica, así que cierra tu estúpida boca antes de que te ponga seis pies bajo tierra." I said everyone looked confused except for Quackity. "What did she say big Q?" Tommy asked. "Dude she said: Okay, you damn well know I ain't no pussy so shut you stupid ass mouth before I put you six feet under." He quoted me mortified and everyone looked shocked and Tommy looked scared as fuck.

"Uh yeah I think you can sleep now." Tommy stuttered.

"You were no match for my 3 years of Spanish classes." I said as I began to walk upstairs.

(A/N: Sorry for the short chapter but I justed wanted to post for y'all so here yah go. I also won't put warnings before that chapter starts, I'm started getting tired of writing them so sorry. Make sure to drink water, eat food, and get a good night's sleep. Oh and follow my sister:
XX_AngleWolf_XXo bye y'all!)

Word count: 756

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