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- Who the fuck comes up with such a shitty idea? - Felix bursted out laughing.

- That is the exact same thing Hyunjin said when I told him. - He said, holding his abdomen while laughing.

- Hyunjin knows? - My eyes widened at the information.

- Of course, why else would we be on good terms now? -

I thought for a while of how much it must have hurt Hyunjin to know what Felix and I had done that night in Seoul. I also though of how scared Felix must have been when he saw his parents in the monitor, knowing my father had power over their lives.

How the fuck could my father think of such stupid things? I wonder how he got to build his own empire with such shitty sense of reality.

- Do you want to run the organisation though? - I asked after a while, looking at Felix. His head shot up with worried eyes.

He shook his head, chuckling.

- I would hate it. Too much pressure. - I nodded in agreement, crossing my arms as I got lost in my thoughts once again.

A knock on the door interrupted us. Hyunjin entered the room, his expression slightly perplexed.

- What's happening? - He asked while cocking his head.

- I told her. - Felix said while sighing, looking at the taller directly into his brown eyes.

Hyunjin just nodded, his eyes travelling from Felix to my figure. He analysed my expression, only to find confusion. He smiled in understanding, plopping himself on the bed right next to me, his left arm snickering around my waist as he dragged me closer to him to land a quick peck on my forehead.

- I'll leave you two alone. - Felix said while standing up and walking towards the door. However, before he could leave my room, I stopped him on his tracks.

- Felix... - I called him, and he swiftly turned. - I am sorry my father did that to you. -

- It's ok, no need to apologise. - He faintly smiled at me.

- Do you miss them? - I didn't know why I asked him that. The only thing I know for sure is that the following second he had wet eyes and was nodding as he tried to hold back the tears.

- I haven't seen them in seventeen years, ever since we started training. Byung-Ho basically snatched me from them, so... -

- You can go visit them if you want. - I smiled at him protectively, and I swear I saw his eyes light up.

- Really? Can I? - I nodded, his eyes immediately disappearing behind his freckled cheeks.

- I mean, we could all take a week off and go to Australia, right? - I turned towards Hyunjin, who was eyeing me as if I had lost my mind.

- First off, we are criminals, Eun. It's not like we can freely travel as if we are regular tourists. Secondly, what about the organisation? - He asked.

I sighed.

- We can forge fake documents, Hyunjin. It's not like the police has our sketches or pictures, we have been careful until now for a reason. And as for the organisation, I just need to find someone and appoint them to run it for me. -

Hyunjin raised one eyebrow, still not fully convinced with my answer. I turned to Felix, hoping I could get some support from him.

- BTS could run it... - the younger whispered lowly, looking at me with pleading eyes.

- So... when are we leaving? - Apparently, Hyunjin was too easy to convince.

We were all standing in front of a small house in a quiet neighbourhood of Sydney. It was located on a side road, right next to a park full of trees, where people rode their bikes and kids played in the grass. It was peaceful, nothing like our busy and noisy neighbourhood of Seoul.

- Is it this one? - Changbin asked, dragging his and Chan's suitcase out of their taxi. Even though two whole months had passed, Chan still couldn't breathe properly nor carry weights, reason why Changbin and Jeongin were always by his side to help him.

Felix merely nodded, inhaling deeply as he scanned the front of the two-story house.

- It's exactly like the one Byung-Ho showed me in the monitor. -

He rang the doorbell, and for a few moments we all felt as if the world had stopped. I could feel my heartbeat in my throat, almost as if my heart was about to jump out of my chest.

The door finally opened, revealing a small woman, looking at us confused. That was until her eyes landed on Felix.

- Hi mom. - He said, tearing up as he rushed towards her to engulf her in the tightest hug.

The woman started crying, repeating "my baby!" in between sniffles as she analysed every feature of her son. A man peered through the door, immediately bursting out crying as well and rushing to join the hug.

I would lie if I said some of us didn't get emotional at the sight. Jisung was a crying mess, hiding himself on Minho's shoulder, who in return held him close and rubbed the younger's back. Chan had watery eyes as well, while I was unable to control a couple of tears which eventually ran down my cheeks.

I felt Hyunjin's arm snicker around my waist, holding me close to him as we saw the little family part and turn towards us.

- Mom, dad... these are my friends. - Felix smiled, carefully introducing each and everyone of us as we made our way inside the little house.

- So you are Byung-Ho's daughter? - Felix's father asked me, and I nodded while I took a sip of the tea they had prepared for us. - How is he? -
The room fell silent.

- He's dead. Killed by Chung Sehun. - I faintly smiled.

- Oh... I'm sorry to hear about that. - His gaze went to the floor.

- It's okay. - I stared at the cup of tea I was holding. It didn't affect me as much as it did at the beginning, since I was slowly starting to heal also thanks to Hyunjin's and the rest of Stray Kids' emotional support. - It's normal for these kinds of things to happen when you do what we do. - I glanced at Chan, who was sitting on an armchair, breathing slowly to ease his pain.

- I knew him quite well, but I think you already know this. - Felix's father said while sighing.

- Yeah, I know. I remember you, actually. I think we met a few times when I was little. - He shyly nodded, happy that I remembered him.

- I lived in Gangneung, and you would come quite often to play at the beach. - My mind clicked. It was him. He was the man who had taken the picture I had found in my father's office that day. Suddenly, many memories started flooding my mind, making sense of those blurred images I had ever since I was a child.

- But how come I never met Felix? - I asked, confused. He turned towards his son and his wife, who were sitting close to each other.

- They were living here in Australia at the time. I didn't want to put them in danger, and separating myself from them felt like the best chance I had to keep them safe. -

We all nodded in understanding, a few moments of silence passing by.

- How did you and Byung-Ho meet? - Jisung suddenly asked. Felix's father smiled, raising his eyes from his cup of tea to stare at the ceiling, lost in his memories.

- We had joined the same mafia organisation and by chance got put together in the same squad. - He said shrugging his shoulders.

We remained silent as he took a sip from his tea, savouring it throughly before speaking again.

- You have the same smile as your father, Jisung. I bet you get it a lot. -

Madman [Hwang Hyunjin ff]Where stories live. Discover now