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As we were walking to the fifth floor, where the databases and archives were, I saw everybody's eyes on us. How to blame them, we were a group of fifteen men led by a girl who was younger than almost all of them. Little perks of being the daughter of the old boss, I guess. Age and sex don't matter when it comes to power.

On the way there, I chatted a bit with Namjoon.

- When were you guys put together as a squad? - I asked.

- Nine years ago. We trained for some years by ourselves, then began completing missions just as you guys ended training. - He was all serious, barely even looked at me while he spoke. I didn't like that, it felt like speaking to a robot.

- You haven't introduced the others. - I noted, glancing back.

- Kim Seokjin and Min Yoongi, our two tech experts. - He pointed at two men who were walking silently at the end of our group, hands in their pockets - Then I believe Jung Hoseok has already introduced himself... He is our planner. - he turned to the man who was walking just behind us. He nodded, smiling lightly. - Then there is Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung, our best gunmen... - the pair was casually chatting with Jeongin and Changbin, both younger guys wanting to know more about the others' missions. - And lastly, Jeon Jungkook, our "doctor". - He was a tall man with lip and eyebrow piercings, who was smiling and laughing while talking with Chan.

- Oh, thanks. - I smiled at him, very grateful for the concise introduction.

- You're welcome, Park Eun-ssi. - He did not smile back. Instead, he bowed and kept on walking, his face serious as always.

- Please drop the honorific. Actually, please don't be so formal at all, I am nothing like my father. In my group we all treat each other as peers and friends. I would like to have that kind of relationship with you guys as well, if it is not a problem for you, of course. -

- It is not a problem at all, Eun. - This time, he smiled back, and it was a warm smile. He looked like a totally different person, way less intimidating.

We then proceeded to talk some more about my father's weird habits and passion for discipline, which I really despised with my whole heart.

When we reached the archive, I let them loose.

- Everybody search for any kind of information regarding Chung Seojoon's family. - All of them parted ways. Of course, Chan and Jungkook stayed glued to each other, talking rather than looking through the files.

I saw Yoongi and Seokjin sit at the computers and dig into the digital files in complete silence, surrounded by a very nosy Jisung who seemed interested in learning more about hacking.

I followed Hoseok through the shelves, as Namjoon had left to search by himself.

- Did you guys know each other before being put together? - I asked. He shook his head no, very concentrated on the files.

- We actually hated each other at first. We would fight constantly. I guess that's when we started learning our physical fight skills. - He chuckled. - But those five years of training were very useful to build a strong bond, you know? - I nodded in agreement.

We kept on scanning the shelves, until Hyunjin joined us silently. He just looked in the sections nearby, every once in a while glancing back at us to see what we were doing.

- Why are we looking for information about Seojoon's family? - Hoseok suddenly asked. I realised none of them actually knew who had killed my father, they just knew it was Seojoon's gang. Only those who had listened to the call knew the truth. Only us.

- His brother killed my father. - I said bluntly.

- He had a brother? - He turned to me, eyes wide with surprise. Apparently, he had been really good at hiding that.

- Apparently... - I shrugged it off before grabbing a folder which was named "Chung Hajoon". It was their father's name. He had been killed a long time ago, before his brother had taken over the organisation.

After a while of digging, we gathered back around the table which stood in the center of the archive. Seokjin and Yoongi had scattered some papers around the table, organizing a sort of conceptual map.

I laid down my folder as well, while Seungmin and Jeongin brought a stack of documents to the table.

- We haven't found much. - spoke Seokjin. - We only found about his father, Chung Hajoon, and about the university he went to. - He proceeded to show us the name of the university. - We also found pictures. - With his hand, he slid the paper to the center of the table. On the paper, there were two pictures, one of Hajoon and one of Seojoon's brother.

- Do we know his name? - I asked.

- Sehun. - we all mentally registered that piece of information.

- Wait, I actually saw that name somewhere! - Jimin spoke all of a sudden. He then proceeded to run to a nearby shelf and tiptoe to grab a slim file.

- Shorty - Taehyung chuckled, looking at him. No one of Stray Kids laughed, knowing we were even shorter than him. If glares could kill, Taehyung would have been dead, considering the glare Jimin gave back to him.

He slapped those papers on the table, his deadly gaze still fixed on Taehyung.

- I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that. Anyway... - he turned to the rest of us, opening the folder. - Here it says that he was born in Busan, then moved to Seoul sometimes in his teens... - he kept on scanning his folder with his eyes, while I decided to go through mine.

- Mine is about Chung Hajoon. Here it says he had a child, Seojoon, and that he later took under his wing an orphan. I assume that's Sehun. - I kept on silently reading the folder, until a sentence had me shook. I read that three more times, just to be sure I got it correctly.

Indeed, I had. My eyes grew wide, and the others noticed.

- what is it, Eun? - Seungmin asked.

- I-it says he was killed fifteen years ago by... - I took in a deep breath. - ...by your father. - I looked at Felix in disbelief.

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