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Eun's POV

I had tried to talk to Felix, but he said he was too mad to talk. Gosh, sometimes they really behave like kids. Just as I was about to go to my room to try and sleep the tiredness away, my phone beeped.

"Go back to your house near Wonju, we need to take back that strategic place. There might be people expecting you, so be prepared to fight."

I changed into my "work" clothes, then rushed out of my room to get all the others. In the rooms and cafeteria I found almost all of them, except for Hyunjin. No one could tell me where he was, or at least none of the members. I told them to wait for me at the vans, ready to go in 20 minutes.

I wandered around the 27-story building for a couple of minutes, before losing hope and stopping at a desk. There, one of the secretaries was working on a computer, probably arranging the schedule of some squad.

- I need to find Hwang Hyunjin of the Stray Kids squad - I told her coldly. She lifted her eyes from the monitor, then went back at working at the computer.

- He checked in the hostage area in the underground floor about forty minutes ago - I raised my eyebrow at the unexpected answer. Usually, we wouldn't be put in charge of interrogating hostages, so I wondered how he could have end up there.

As I left, my mind decided to replay the memory from the staircase. Hyunjin's voice cracking, he sounded really hurt. Then, his eyes... I wouldn't lie if I said I saw hints of tears in them. In that moment, my heart started aching at the thought of him being hurt.

Before I knew it, I was facing the door separating me from the hostage area.

- Identification, please - a robotic voice spoke from the wall

- Park Eun - I said impatiently. If I couldn't find Hyunjin here, I feared we would have had to leave without him.

- Access granted - announced the voice as the doors slid open.

There were few people in the corridor, most of them standing in front of the multiple glass panels which showed what was going on in each interrogating room. As I scanned the hallway, I noticed that a small group of people had clustered in front of one window in particular, seeming very involved in what was happening inside.

I made my way towards that panel, hearing gunshots after gunshots being fired from inside. As I peeked, I saw Hyunjin calmly reloading his gun, sucking on his lollipop with a smirk as a new hostage was being brought in. He really looked like a madman. On the floor, already lied three lifeless bodies in a pool of their own blood.

As the new hostage was being sat on the only chair present in the room, the interrogation started. I do not remember what the topic was about, probably someone snitching some members to the police; all that I could focus on were his absent eyes. It was almost as no remorse, no regret nor guilt could penetrate those eyes. He looked emotionless.

He had always been like this, absent and silent, but never to this extent. He looked like a robot, coldly asking question after question, firing bullets as warnings. With one of them, he hit the arm of the hostage, making him crumple from the pain.

- I don't need any more bullshit, Yeongsu - he said, lifting his gun once again, aiming at his head.

- I-I swear I d-don't know them - he was now bowing on his knees in the pool of blood of his colleagues, asking for mercy.

- Aw, too bad. I really thought you might have been of some use to us... - Hyunjin said smirking, making the gun click.

- Hyunjin, that's enough blood for today. - I spoke through the speaker. His grin disappeared, leaving only an angry face. He looked right towards the glass panel, knowing I was behind it, then shot a bullet.


The last man collapsed on the floor, lifeless.

Hyunjin walked outside the interrogating room towards me, his eyes filled with irritation. His clothes were all dirty with blood, though he didn't seem to be bothered by it. After all, we were used to it.

- What are you here for? - he was clearly annoyed.

- We need to go back to the house in Wonju. - I looked at him, his eyes fixed in front of us as we walked. - Mr. Park said we must regain control of it, it is of enormous strategic importance. -

Once again, I received no answer, so I grew annoyed.

- Whatever happened between you and Felix has nothing to do with me, so please keep this between you two - I coldly told him, accelerating the pace. He scoffed, keeping up with my speed easily.

As he opened the door of the garage, he confirmed what I had been suspecting, still surprising me.

- You are the reason of what happened between Felix and I - I stood there, not fully believing him. Maybe he wanted to blame me as their leader, maybe he was too scared to admit it was his fault. Or maybe, I was truly the reason behind their argument.

- What took you so long? - Chan asked, peeking from one of the driver's seat windows.

- Hyunjin decided to have some fun and kill half of the hostages in this building - I said, not so jokingly.

We all got into our vans. Again, I was in the same van as Hyunjin and Jeongin. The younger appeared really happy to go back to the old house, even though he knew we would have had to fight to get it back. On the other hand, I couldn't get any type of reaction from Hyunjin.

Jeongin dozed off quite soon after we left the "Park Entertainment" buildings. That left me and Hyunjin in an awkward silence for most of the trip. I did not like being back there alone, especially after Hyunjin had told me I was the reason for the argument between him and Felix.

- Do you mind if I seat there in the front? - he did not reply, so I took it as an invitation for me to climb up in the front seat.

He looked annoyed, avoiding eye contact, only focusing on the road.

- Listen, we still have to work together. You either tell me clearly what is wrong with you or go back to being your normal self - I spat, crossing my arm as I grew irritated with his silent treatment.

- There's nothing I need to tell you. Apparently you are quite happy fucking Felix. - the audacity of this man shocked me. First off, I was not happy fucking Felix. It was more of a one-night thing for me, no emotions were attached. Also, it was Felix who had insisted so bad on coming to my room that night.

I was puzzled at his answer, I didn't know what to reply.

- Are you... jealous? - I looked at him, eyebrows raised questioningly.

He turned towards me, his eyes analysing every feature of my body. His expression changed when his eyes stopped at my collarbone, transforming into anger.

He turned, looking back at the straight road in front of us.

- If you're worried that this thing might change our group's dynamics, then you have nothing to worry about. It's just sex. - I averted my gaze from him, looking out of the window.

After he did not answer me, I crossed my arms, offended at such behaviour.

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