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I sat on my bed to the loud sound of the siren, wide awake. I ran to put my combat boots on, as I was already dressed, knowing this moment would have come sooner or later. I quickly opened the closed, grabbing two automatic guns and their corresponding bullets along with a knife, then walked down the hall at a fast, silent pace.

In all the other rooms you could hear the guys hustling to get ready, grabbing their things, doors banging after being closed with too much strength under the loud sound of the siren.

- This better not be a fucking drill - said Chan speeding past me towards the garage.

- If this is another of your father's drill I swear to God, I'm gonna slit your throat from side to side, Eun - Jisung said to me with his raspy morning voice, walking past me, following him.

- Good morning to you too, Jisung - I spat back at him, not altering my pace.

- It's fucking 3 am, - said Seungmin behind me - and I should be sleeping. Gosh, I had the hardest mission ever yesterday and now I can't even rest. Your father really has no mercy, Eun - whined the young one.

My father was the boss of one of Seoul's most dangerous and deadly mafia organisations. Us nine were his right-hand men (and woman), the ones who would actually go on kill missions against other rival gangs, those who would take care of risky drug and hostage trades. He had called our squad "Stray Kids", a name which actually fit us. As his daughter, I had a privileged position, reason why everybody hated me, yet still respected me. Even though I had been trained to become a serial killer ever since I can remember, many gang members still believed I was in no position to potentially lead them one day. But honestly, I didn't mind. I knew my worth.

We all got to the garage at the same time, quickly entering the three black vans that we had prepared few days ago. We were used to attack drills, so none of us really thought that an actual attack to our base was happening at the moment. Nevertheless, we were all focused on our tasks, loading money, documents and weapons on the back of the vans.

- All clear? - I asked

- Clear! - they shouted in unison to top the sound of the siren , which was still blasting at full volume. I turned to the driver, Hyunjin, telling him to go.

However, as soon as the garage door opened, a hail of bullets caught us by surprise. They could only leave marks on our bulletproof vans, but this did not mean that they could not harm us. There were still some weak spots which, if hit, could potentially make our vans blow up.

- Goddamn, Hyunjin, go! - shouted Jeongin who was sitting next to me, with a gun already in his hands.

With those words, Hyunjin came back to his senses and sped off on the dirt road in front of us, followed by the other two vans. From the back, I could hear multiple bullet rounds being fired, shouting and, eventually, the sound of a car exploding. I quickly turned to see if our vans were still intact, and with much relief I noticed that the loud explosion had come from one of our aggressors' cars.

I didn't have time to sigh in relief that a car suddenly pulled right next to us, firing rounds with a rifle. Jeongin came to my side, telling me to stay down as he flung the car door open, shooting few bullets to the tires, then to the people inside the car. Our best gunman once again did not fail, hitting the head of the driver with his last bullet fired.

Just as he was adjusting back to his side, reloading his gun, another car approached us from his side. Rounds were being fired from Chan's car, the one right behind us, but none of them could inflict any harm from behind. Hyunjin was still going as fast as he could, and I could see that the other car was having some difficulty with keeping up with us. Not wanting to risk our van blowing up, I shifted to Jeongin's side, forcefully moving him to the seat where I was sitting before.

The man in the other car was not alone, another one was sitting right next to him firing round after round. After noticing that bullets wouldn't do much damage, however, he put the guns away, searching the back for another weapon. I knew that it was only a matter of seconds before he would have been ready to fire at us with some sort of antitank weapon. Needless to say, our bulletproof vans wouldn't survive that.

- Jeongin, keep them busy - I turned to the younger one as he nodded - and Hyunjin, do not slow down until I tell you - I couldn't see our driver's reaction, but I knew he loved speeding in those roads, raising clouds of dirt as he peacefully sucked on his lollypop, smirking. I turned down the window on the opposite side and climbed on top of our van.

From where I was, I could see clearly the driver trying to cover his head as much as possible from Jeongin's rounds, but I could easily shoot him. A moment before I lifted my gun and shot the bullet, I shouted to Hyunjin to slow down so that the car could reach us. Then, I jumped with all the strength I had in my body to reach its roof.

As I landed (not so gracefully), I held onto the roof bars to keep myself attached to the car while it was still going. I peeked through the window to see that the other guy had taken the wheel, trying to avoid crashing against the many trees that surrounded the road. I took it as my opportunity, firing some rounds at the back of his head.

And with that, he was dead.

After a few seconds the car finally stopped, and I watched as our three vans sped past me.

- They better come back to get me, or the rest of the bullets will end up in their heads - I mumbled to myself. I glanced around me, only to notice that no more cars were chasing us. The only sound which could be heard was that of the tires of the vans raising dust.

I jumped down the roof and opened the car to inspect the two people I had just killed. They were both slumped over the wheel, blood pouring down on the floor. I made a disgusted face before opening the back door, noticing with delight many useful weapons. I started taking some of them, filling the air with the clatter of the metal weapons colliding against each other in my arm. As I lifted a rifle, I noticed a pair of handcuffs lying on the floor. I hesitated a little, but in the end I decided to take them as well.

- What do you need them for? - I turned at the speed of light, only to see Hyunjin smirking at me from his driver's seat, sucking on his lollypop.

- None of your damn business - I acidly replied as I made my way inside the van, next to Jeongin - What took you so long? - I asked.

- Mh, I was thinking of leaving you here, but Jeongin made me change my mind - he looked at me through the rearview mirror.

- A true gentleman as always, I see - I smirked back as I sat more comfortably.

- We go around and kill people. We indeed are true gentlemen - Hyunjin joked as he started driving again, catching up with the rest of the group.

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