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I decided to sleep for a bit, a very much needed sleep, while we entered the wooded area leading to our old house.

After a while, the car came to a stop.

- We're here, Eun - Jeongin gently shook my arm, waking me up. Hyunjin had already made his way out of the vehicle, not wanting anything to do with me.

We were in a secluded area, about a kilometre from the house. We could not afford to let them see us, even though they would have probably seen the dirt risen by our cars as we passed through the woods.

The sun was around an hour from disappearing behind the horizon, as we unloaded few weapons and started walking towards the house.

- Alright, you all know of the secret passage leading to the garage. - Minho started explaining his strategy. - Hopefully, they haven't found out about it yet, so we might use it. In any case, we must be silent. Felix... - I could see Hyunjin looking at him coldly, with pure hatred - ...you'll need to get in there and open the front gate for us to come through with the vans. - Felix nodded, hyped up at the idea of setting up a surprise attack once again. He loved doing that kind of stuff.

We stopped in front of a bush, surrounded by birch trees. The only sound which could be heard was that of the wind blowing through the leaves, gently caressing our faces and giving us relief from the heat of that day.

Felix moved few branches of the bush, only to reveal a small manhole, large enough to fit a person. Just as he shoved the metal cover open, some dogs started barking in the distance.

- See you on the other side - chanted happily Felix, jumping in the manhole and closing the cover above him.

- Let's split up. We can attack from the back, while Hyunjin, Jisung and Chan will go back to get the vans. We'll keep in contact with each other through our earpiece. Now let's go - explained Minho, running away with Jeongin shortly after.

I was alone, embracing my guns as I stealthily moved closer to a side of the house, hidden in the forest. I saw few men on top of the roof and on the balcony, scanning the forest in the direction of the dogs' barks, ready to shoot at any suspicious movement.

- Guys, the dogs are coming towards us. Can you divert their attention? - spoke Changbin through the earpiece.

- I got it - replied Jeongin, almost whispering. A single, loud "bang" could be heard from the forest behind the house, as one of the men standing on the roof fell down. All the others immediately rushed to that side of the house, prepared to shoot back. A hail of bullets was sent in vain towards the trees.

The dogs started to rush back, away from Seungmin and Changbin, towards the back of the house. I took it as an opportunity to get closer to the gate, hoping Minho and Jeongin wouldn't be captured in the meantime.

- Guys, the gate is opening. - Felix said through the earpiece. - Hurry up, I need back up inside. -

I took it as an opportunity to ran as fast as I could, as some bullets shot past me, towards the gate, now opening slowly. I stopped right next to it, my back pressed firmly against the wall to avoid being hit. As the gate fully opened, I ran inside the garage, finding Felix who had just shot a man.

- Come on, we need to help the others or they're gonna get killed. - I said, running upstairs to where the terrace on the back of the house was.

It took us nearly two hours in the pitch black night of the woods to gain back control of the house. The three drivers had entered the house few minutes after I had, and together we had cleared the whole house floor by floor. All of the members of the rival gang were dead.

Now It was almost all of us, checking each and every room for alive people. We might have needed some hostages.

- Minho, Jeongin, where are you? - I spoke through the earpiece, worried after they had not joined us.

- I-in the kitchen. M-Minho has been shot - we all gave each other a worried look, before rushing downstairs.

Minho was lying on the kitchen counter screaming, trying to ease the pain. He had been shot right below his left shoulder, making him flinch every time he tried to move his arm.

Chan rushed next to him, helping Jeongin, who was already trying to medicate the wound, with teary eyes.

- What happened? - Changbin asked.

- I-I don't know. We were hiding behind the trees, they couldn't even see us but they kept shooting. I-I told him to move closer to me, but he didn't, a-and now... - He sniffled. Minho was losing a lot of blood, we had to act fast or else the wound could have gotten worse.

- Don't worry, Innie, he's going to be fine. - Chan said as Minho screamed from the pain of the bullet being removed from his body.

- I-I'm sorry Minho, I k-know I needed to protect you, b-but I-I failed... - Jeongin was crying now. Seungmin held him by his shoulders and sat him on the couch, right next to the kitchen, trying his best to comfort him.

- You did your best by bringing him inside for us to properly treat him. I'm sure he's gonna be fine - he said caressing his shoulder. Jeongin slightly nodded, before resting his head on Seungmin's shoulder, still crying.

It was 4 a.m. and we had just finished unloading the vans. Minho was resting on his bed: luckily his wound wasn't too bad, as we had treated it early enough for the infection not to spread. However, Jeongin still felt extremely guilty for having failed at protecting him. He was sitting on the couch, not really doing anything but overthinking.

- Guys, we should really get some rest. - I said, looking at the time - Come on, Innie... - I turned to look at the younger, slightly smiling.

- How is he? - his voice cracked a bit.

- He's resting now. He might need some time, but he's gonna heal pretty quickly. Now let's go. -

I accompanied him to his bedroom, making sure he was fine. I said more comforting words, trying to ease his guilt, then brought him some water.

- Now rest and don't think of anything else, ok? - He nodded, slightly smiling before thanking me.

As I was walking towards my room, I felt a hand firmly grab my wrist and dragging me into another bedroom. The door was closed shut, and it was pitch black inside, so I could not see anything.

- What the fuck are you doing? -

I turned on the lights, only to see Hyunjin holding a pair of handcuffs in his hands.

- I found these on the floor of the van... might care to explain? - He asked, a big devilish smirk plastered on his face.

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