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I stared at Felix in disbelief.

We all thought that his family was dead, like the rest of us. That was the reason they were all here: they were orphans, they had nobody.

All our eyes were now on Felix, who was sweating nervously.

- I-I know. Sorry for not telling you before. My family is not dead, it's just... - He looked at us with an apologetic gaze. - ...it's complicated. - He sighed.

- It's complicated?! That's all you have to say? - Changbin shouted, making everybody jump. - You lied to us for seventeen years and all you have to say is "it's complicated"?! You do realise that the man who will probably try to kill Eun in the next twenty-four hours is the son of the man who was killed by your father, right? - He hit the table with his fist, making everybody jump again at the loud sound.

- Changbin, please calm down. - I said, going over to him and patting his shoulder. He was fuming, but my reassurance brought him almost back to normality. - We don't have anything to worry, as long as we stay together and look after each other. Right? - I turned to the rest, who nodded.

Hyunjin was staring right at me, eating his lollipop, not even blinking. He was the only one who did not nod. I shrugged it away, before turning back to the rest, my hand still on Changbin's shoulder.

- Do you know where their headquarters are? - I looked at Yoongi, who proceeded to slide forward a map with a big black circle drawn on top of it. He didn't bother to say a word.

The circle highlighted a small area in the periphery of Incheon.

I rose my gaze from the paper, looking at Namjoon right in the eyes.

- Let's go. -

Since it was 5 in the morning, we decided that it would have been better for us to rest first. The drive to Incheon was relatively short, but we all thought the plan should have been carried out at night.

We left Minho and Hoseok in the archive room, expecting them to come up with a plan together, while we all went to our rooms. The guys had decided to stop by the cafeteria first to chat and get to know each other better, which left Namjoon and I alone.

Right as I was about to get out of the elevator at the ninth floor, he stopped me.

- You know that now you have your own private floor, right? - I looked at him as if he was some sort of alien.

- What do you mean? -

- It's not like the boss can sleep in those shitty trainee rooms... Here, I'll show you. - He said as he pressed the button to the second to last floor.

When we exited the elevator, I was met with a shiny white room, decorated with fine contemporary paintings and statues. It felt like I had just set foot in a museum.

- This will be your "apartment" from now on. - Namjoon said, following me throughout the rooms. - Hope you like it, I decorated it. - He was smiling proudly at his work. I was honestly stunned by the perfection of it. It didn't seem like anything was out of place, and the lavender smell made everything even better.

- I love it. - I had a big smile plastered on my face, which suddenly turned into a frown. - But what about the others? -

- There are plenty of empty rooms in here, so I made sure to put eight extra beds. - He winked at me, showing me the way.

There were four big white rooms with huge closets and bathrooms, each containing two beds. They looked so comfortable and soft like clouds.

He then proceeded to lead me to my room. It was the opposite of the rest of the house: it had black walls and floors, the iron bed frame was painted black as well. The bedsheets were white, contrasting with the rest. The lights were dim, and had a remote to control their intensity and colour.

I made a disgusted face, turning to Namjoon.

- What weird thing would my father use this room for? - I felt like throwing up at the thought of this room being used by him for any other purpose rather than sleeping.

- He barely even used it... He would spend all of his time in the office, sleeping on the couch there. -

- Oh... - I sighed in relief, but was somehow saddened by the fact that he preferred an old worn out couch to such comfortable bed.

Our tour of the apartment was interrupted by sudden loud chatter coming from the entrance. The guys from BTS were showing the rest of Stray Kids their room. Being the five year olds they were, they all started jumping on the beds and making a mess. Only two people were not smiling at the situation: Yoongi and Hyunjin. Gosh, that pair would really get along.

- Does Yoongi ever talk? - I asked Namjoon, looking at the man who stood at the entrance playing with his gun next to the one who was eating another lollipop.

- Rarely. But he's nice overall, you don't have to be scared or anything. He is the nicest guy you'll ever meet, actually. - I was puzzled at how such intimidating man could be the nicest person on Earth, but I did not question it.

Shortly after, BTS left us alone in the apartment, and one by one we all went to our rooms. The rooms had been chosen by the members: Jeongin with Seungmin, Felix with Hyunjin, Changbin with Chan, and Jisung with Minho.

You could still hear shouts coming from the kitchen and the living room, probably from some member who had too much soju down at the cafeteria. I chuckled when I recognized Jisung's laugh, followed by Minho's.

I started changing into more comfortable clothes to sleep, choosing some sweatpants and a large t-shirt from the vast options I had in the closet, already prepared for me. It felt weird to have people prepare things for me or clean up after me. I wasn't used to it.

I was standing in front of the mirror, admiring what was remaining of the hickeys Hyunjin had left on my chest. The t-shirt I was wearing had a low neckline, exposing almost my whole chest and all of those purplish marks. Yes, I was still thinking of those times when we had sex.

A slight blush crept on my face as I thought of how sexy he looked after he had come out of the shower the first time, or how cutely he was giggling when we were cleaning the bathroom the time after. He had called me cute. I couldn't help but blush even more.

I averted my gaze from the hickeys, jumping when I saw Hyunjin's figure leaning on the doorframe, observing me with a judging look.

- W-What are you doing here? - He had changed as well, now he was wearing sweatpants and a tank top which showed hints of his ribcage, not to speak of his muscular arms. His slim figure made it impossible for me to stare at anything else.

- What did you and Namjoon do? You were alone for a long time, and you seemed happy with him. - His eyes would not stop examining me from head to toe, waiting for an answer. He looked mad.

When I remained silent, he slowly stepped towards me, trapping me against the counter.

- I asked you something, and I need an answer. What did you two do? -

Madman [Hwang Hyunjin ff]Where stories live. Discover now