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We were once again standing in front of the abandoned plant in Wonju. I assume Sehun chose this place because of its symbolical meaning: the place where it all went down.

Maybe he hoped such distasteful memories would have had an effect on us, either making us panic or abandon our plan. If this really was the case, he couldn't have been more wrong.

We were all focused on what we had to do. Us, Stray Kids, would have been there on the floor, while BTS would have been on the upper floors surrounding us, knocking down any of their men and ready to shoot. Sehun didn't know of BTS' existence, so we took advantage of it. Hoseok was cunning.

We had gone through the plan for a billion times, and each one of us knew what they were supposed to do and where they were supposed to be at every second of the whole hostage exchange.

Yes, we had agreed on giving them Felix in exchange for Eun. Actually, we would have never. Our plan was to go back home with both of them, and just use Felix as a bait.

My hands were trembling with desire to shoot them the split second they appeared in our sight.

They were forcing Eun to walk, Sehun firmly holding on her left arm, her head covered. When I saw her, I had to hold back the tears, keeping my composure as I kept telling myself I had to stick to the plan. I could not afford to fuck up like last time.

I heavily breathed in and out, my heart pounding crazily in my chest as they stopped fifty meters from us.

Chan took a step forward, Felix right next to him.

- Sehun, we have brought him, as you requested. Has she been harmed? - Chan gritted his teeth, waiting for the devil's response.

- Only used her a bit, I hope you don't mind. - Sehun was grinning as if it was all a fucking game. I felt Minho's hand on my right hand which was now resting on my gun, ready to shoot. "Don't do anything stupid" was what he was trying to convey.

And I didn't. I didn't shoot, yet I kept my hand firmly on the gun as they kept on speaking.

My eyes never left Eun. She looked so fragile, as if she was going to collapse on the floor any time. I wanted to run to her, hug her and tell her that everything was okay, that I would have been there for her.

- I see your men are tense, tell them to relax... - Sehun glanced at us, shaking his head. - Also, I don't want any of you to have weapons, so drop them down. - He signalled with a gesture of his hand, pointing at the floor.

- What about your men? - Chan spoke. We were all looking at the seven men which accompanied him, all armed to the teeth.

- My men need those weapons to ensure you don't try to do anything stupid. - He flashed us a confident smile.

We reluctantly placed our weapons of the cold pavement, then raising our hands above our heads.

- You, little one with the fox eyes. - He suddenly called Jeongin out. - The gun behind your back as well. - We all sighed in defeat. That was the gun Jeongin was supposed to shoot him with.

Our maknae looked worriedly at Chan, who in exchange just nodded, signaling he would have found another way.

Sehun smiled once again before pushing Eun forward.

- Now, the boy. -

His expression furrowed as Felix didn't move a muscle.

- We want to see that it is her. - Felix spoke in his low voice, almost in a growl.

Sehun scoffed before walking forward and removing the head covering from Eun. She closed her eyes due to the sudden light change, but when she opened them again I could see all the pain she was trying to hide. It broke me. Her mouth was gagged, making it impossible for her to say anything.

My hand instinctively went to find my gun, but it only grabbed air. It was on the floor, and my hand was itching to shoot him.

- Start walking, young boy... - Sehun hissed, glaring at Felix.

Reluctantly, Felix started walking, as Eun started doing the same after Sehun pushed her forward. Her mouth was screaming muffled sounds, which probably were telling us not to give him to them, that she would have found another way to escape.

It felt like the world stopped for a second. No one dared breathing, not a sound could be heard. It was just those two, walking slowly towards each other.

When they crossed, it was time.


Coordinated shots. That was BTS' specialty, Hoseok had said.

There they laid on the concrete, a red pool of blood slowly making its way through the pebbles.

However, Sehun was still alive, since Jeongin had been forced to put down his hidden gun by Sehun himself.

Before we could process anything, he had already taken out his gun, ready to shoot.

I crouched to the floor to grab my gun just as he confusedly shot a bullet. Without sparing any second, I planted a bullet in his chest, making him fall down, dead.

I ran towards Eun, engulfing her in the tightest hug I have ever given anybody, careful not to squeeze her too hard and cause her pain. Tears were flowing down our cheeks, as she collapsed on the floor, her legs giving up on her. I kneeled in front of her, removing the gag and wiping away those tears which stained her perfect face.

- I'm here. - I whispered. I didn't know if with those words I was trying to calm her or myself. Either way, it worked.

- I've missed you so much... - My thumb brushed her cheek as I admired those features I had dreamt of every night. It had been seven days, the longest week of my life. It was the first time ever we had been parted for such a long time, and for me it felt like an eternity.

I had spent all of my nights dreaming about her, yet fearing what they might have been doing to her the whole time. I would cry myself to sleep until one of the members would wake me up in the middle of the night, telling me I was screaming her name.

I barely ate, and I spent most of my time in the interrogation rooms or at the shooting range. All places which reminded me of her, and it only made things worse.

But now she was in front of me, and all those sleepless nights, skipped meals and spilled blood vanished. It was just the two of us.

- Oh my God, Chan! - Felix shouted, making everybody turn towards him. Chan fell to the floor, holding his chest where a large stain of blood was growing.

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