Chapter 13

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*Late Morning - Roswaal's Mansion*

Hijiri, Kenji, Rem, Ram, and Subaru is seen walking in the hallway.

Rem: "Excuse us, Hijiri-sama and Kenji-sama. We'll be taking Subaru to get his measurement and tour him around the mansion."

Rem and Ram bows as they leave and Subaru follows suit.

Hijiri: "I suppose that they are gone."

Kenji: "Hey. Hijiri. Is it true that time was reversed three times yesterday?"

Hijiri turns around to face Kenji.

Hijiri: "Did Murasama tell you?"

Kenji nods. Seeing this response Hijiri sighs.

Hijiri: "Its true."

Kenji: "Then is it because of that Subaru guy?"

Hijiri: "Yeah, he is somehow cursed by the Witch of Envy or Satella. I can feel the same miasma emitted by a witch, and the only witch I know who can meddle with temporal powers to this degree is Satella or the Witch of Envy.

Kenji: "I see..."

Kenji puts his hand on his chin.

Kenji: "Then have you made him join the syndicate?"

Hijiri: "I haven't, but I plan to. His power to reverse time after his death makes him become like a button for a time reset."

Kenji: "So your gonna train him?"

Hijiri puts his hand on his chin as he thinks on what to do.

Hijiri: "If he wants to be capable then he needs the training. Your bad at teaching so I'll have to teach him both sword and magic combat."

Kenji shrugs at this.

Kenji: "That's fate, I suck at teaching others."

Hijiri's get's angry as the vein bulges in his head, then he smacks Kenji on the back of his head.

Kenji: "Ouch!"

Hijiri: "Shut yer mouth!"

*Afternoon - Roswaal Mansion*

Hijiri walks in the hallway of the mansion as he approaches the door to Subaru's bedroom. As he was about to touch the doorknob the door opens itself on the other side. The one that opened the door was Rem.

Rem: "Good afternoon, Hijiri-sama."

Hijiri: "Good afternoon, I'll be going to Subaru to ask him a question."

Rem nods. Hijiri enters the room seeing that Subaru was sewing his pants. Rem leaves and closes the door. Hijiri focuses his attention on Subaru.

Hijiri: "So, Subaru. Have you decided if you wanna join the Calamity Syndicate?"

Subaru stops sewing and turns his head to Hijiri.

Subaru: "Yeah, I guess. But will you teach me some cool sword technique?!"

Hijiri: "Well, benefits of joining the Syndicate is receiving training on any combat styles, even martial arts."

Subaru eyes shines as he is excited about the offer.

Subaru: "Then I'll join it!"

Hijiri widened his eyes as he is surprised about his quick decision. Hijiri then smiles.

Hijiri: "I see, then you are now a member of the Calamity Syndicate. Despite the evil name of Calamity in it, we actually do the opposite. Instead we cause destruction to evil."

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