Chapter 7

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*Poor District*

Hijiri and Subaru are seen conversing with nearby poor people regarding the location of Felt's home.

Poor Person: "Yeah, just go two streets down that way."

Subaru: "Thanks, I appreciate it, bro."

Poor Person: "Don't mention it, bro. Live strong."

Hijiri and Subaru continued to walk quickly in the direction given.

Subaru: "So, Hijiri-san."

Hijiri: "Hm?"

Subaru: "Do you think you can take on Elsa alone?"

Hearing Subaru's question. Hijiri observed his ring, which features a White Gem in the middle. He closes his eyes as he opens it back.

Hijiri: "She is no match for me when my full power is unsealed."

Subaru: "So you didn't use your full power in the last battle?"

Hijiri: "Unfortunately, yes; using my entire strength would demolish the area and maybe harm you and the others."

Subaru grinned as he heard this.

Subaru: "Then we better catch Felt before she goes to the loot house and buy the insignia from her--"

Subaru collided with someone in front of him when he wasn't paying attention.

Subaru: "Whoa!"

However, Hijiri recognized her. As he gave her a brief glance.

???: "Oh, dear! I'm sorry! Are you all right?"

Subaru: "Yeah, I'm fi-"

Subaru was dragged back by Hijiri. Subaru was perplexed by Hijiri's behavior, but as he focused his gaze on the person with whom Subaru collided, he got terrified.

Elsa giggled.

Elsa: "What's wrong?"

Hijiri: "Nothing's wrong here miss."

Elsa: "Oh? But I believe your friend behind you is terrified."

Hijiri switched his focus to Subaru, observing his horrified expression. Hijiri returned his attention to her.

Subaru voiced out behind.

Subaru: "I... I'm not terrified! What gave you that idea?"

Subaru: "Your scent. When people are scared, I can smell their fear. You're terrified right now. You're also angry, aren't you? At me."

Hijiri, however, interrupted them.

Hijiri: "Sorry, miss; my friend is simply afraid of strangers; he is not a really sociable guy."

As Subaru heard Hijiri's words, his fear diminished as he realized that there was another powerful person besides him. Elsa noticed this as her smile disappeared turning into a frown.

Elsa: "It's fine. Although I am a bit curious, but now isn't the time to start a commotion."

Hijiri: "Indeed it is."

Elsa: "Well, I'll be going now. But something tells me we'll meet again."

Elsa proceeded to walk past them. Subaru cast a brief peek at her, prompting Elsa to turn back and give him a creepy smile before walking away. Subaru became afraid as a result of this.

Hijiri: "Okay, let's get going Subaru."

Subaru: "Huh? Ah, yes!"

*Felt's Home*

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