Chapter 6

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*Market District*

Hijiri: "Well, Subaru, we meet again."

Subaru continued to stare at Hijiri while blinking once. 

Subaru: "What? Y-You remember me?"

Hijiri: "Well, after some 'time leaping,' I can still recall our meeting."

Subaru was initially perplexed because everyone he met and everything around him had either had no memories of him or his actions. However, after processing this. Subaru was actually relieved that someone remembered him.

Subaru: "Oh. Good. At least, I have someone to talk with."

But Hijiri's face turned serious.

Hijiri: "I'll have to warn you not to tell anyone about your power or your past experience."

Subaru: "What... But why?"

Hijiri: "Your power is dangerous; it is both a curse and a gift from a witch. If you were to talk about it, you will be punished by her."

Subaru's face became pale. Subaru now fears the Witch of Envy even though he doesn't know her personally. He only fears her because of the name, which is feared by everyone. 

Hijiri: "That's enough of that. It's strange for your ability to time leap because you have to die for it to activate. So, what do you think about the name?"

Subaru had come out of his frightened state and was now thinking of a name for his ability.

Subaru: "Since each time, I return to my initial state after death... I'll call it 'Return by Death.' "

For a few seconds, there was silence as a carriage passed by breaking the silence.

Hijiri: "Well, the name is quite straight-forward and simple. So, in my opinion, it's fine."

Subaru smiled as he heard this.

Hijiri: "So, after this Subaru, what are your plans? Because only you and I remember everything that happened. And the girl you were attempting to catch up with didn't recognize you."

Subaru: "In that case, I should forget everything, sell this phone, save some funds, and use my knowledge of the modern world to live in luxury!"

Subaru is ecstatic about the chance to live in luxury.

Subaru: "My dream is taking shape before my eyes! Right, Hijiri-san?"

Hijiri is just staring at Subaru with a blank expression.

Hijiri: "Do you even know how to recreate such devices?"

Subaru froze in place as he came to the realization that creating such technology was difficult. Subaru's expression darkened as his dream was nearly difficult to achieve.

Hijiri: "But that's okay; if you find your place in this world, you should be able to live on the bare necessities."

Subaru: "Huh? What exactly do you mean by "bare necessities?" If I have to die over and over again, I'll go insane."

Hijiri: "Do you think those deaths are necessary in order to save the people you care about?"

Then, as flashes of his previous experiences passed through his mind, Subaru had a sudden realization.

Subaru: 'Even if Satella doesn't know me, Felt will still steal her insignia, and Elsa will... No matter how many times I repeat this, that won't change'

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