Start from the beginning

Me and mum exchanged friendly gestures as she took me to school.

" be presentable, hard working and respectable today (y/n). Do as I say and you'll go far " my mother's eyes locked on the road as she pulled up outside the school.

"Yes mum, I'll do my best. Take care"

(I hate writing about school so here is what happened)

Forcing myself to enter the shit-hole I was almost killed by the swam of students filling the halls.

The bell must have went.
$æveđ bý ţhê běłľ? Mőřě ľįķë ķîľļěđ.

Taking refuge  at the side of the corridor i scouted for (y/b/f)

there was so many people moving around but luckily (b/f/n) ugly face grabbed my attention as she was standing alone on her phone.

running up behind her
I jumped and grabbed a hold of her face and started to shake her.

running up behind her I jumped and grabbed a hold of her face and started to shake her

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Hell is alright when you have (Y/B/F).
After all it was always

(Y/N) & (Y/B/F)
Against the world!

I won't care even if I was dead as long as i had her with me.

She meant everything to me.


i sighed looking at the front door to my house, the door frame looked half beaten to death and the garden neglected for years.

With every secound passing the sky darkened with monotone colours of blue and blacks granting stars premission to shimmer in spread clumps above the peacful homes

The bottom of my shoes clicked as they made contact with the stone porch, my cold hands struggling to turn the keys in the door. 

Practically kicking the door open I cheered "isnt it good to be home!"  smiling brightly, greeted by no-one.

My smile soon faded and changed to disgust after i wittnessed the tower of  take-away trash and clusters of empty beer cans that cluttered the floor and coffee table.

"Do we have a carpet or wood floors, generally can't remember"

Expelling my anger i launched my school bag to one of the far corners in the hallway, rolling my selves up to my shoulders.

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