Their Reaction

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Hours later, after you fell asleep, both Deidara and Obito barged into your room. Your heart sank when you realized it were the two guys of the akatsuki that you'd slept with in the past week.

"We need to talk." Deidara said firmly.

"Oh-ok." You mumbled nervously. "What about?" You already knew.

"You fucked us both." Deidara glared in your direction.

"Yeah." You admitted ashamed. You looked over at poor Obito. He looked so sad, having found out. But at the same time, Deidara's eyes were cold. It hurt to see him this way. Both of them.

Obito kept silent because he knew Tobi's attitude would not work out for him in this situation. It also wouldn't feel right to him to act like he's all exhilarated about life, when you just hurt him deeply.

"I'm sorry." You mumbled.

"It's not enough." Deidara grumbled. You felt your pent up guilt began to show as tears ran down your cheeks. Obito got closer and wiped a tear off.

"I know it will be hard, but Tobi thinks it's best for you to choose. Tobi, or Dei-dei," he mumbled, with sorrow leaking into his voice. Even though it was the same pitch as Tobi's, there was no excitement in the voice.

Only pain.

"Tobi." Deidara whispered sympathetically to Obito and placed a hand in his shoulder. Even though they were competing against each other over you, that did not ruin their rivalry. They were not enemies. Just rivals. Like Guy and Kakashi.

"You both want me to pick?" You asked. They looked at each other and then nodded their heads. "You know I can't do that." You mumbled.

"(Y/n), you have to." Deidara said softly.

"Yeah." Obito agreed, keeping up his sad Tobi voice.


"But what?!" Deidara snapped at you. You looked down in embarrassment.

"But... I love you both." They both looked happy and hurt by that statement.

"Oh." Deidara muttered. "I see."

"You see what?" You asked.

"You love that asshole more than me." He grumbled.

"No! That's not true at all!"

"So you like me more?" He whispered with a hint of optimism in his voice.

"Not exactly." You mumbled. "I love you both."

"What the actual fuck. You like that talentless weakling with no sense of art more than me?! Wow."

Obito took off his mask and fixed his posture to look bigger and scarier. "Talentless weakling?" He said in his real voice. Deidara stared up at him for a few moments in shock.


"You mean Obito." Obito corrected.

"Ahhhh?" He gasped. "Did you know about this, (y/n)?" You nodded.

"Now listen blondie, you keep this to your fucking self or I will literally kill you. I'm not the talentless weakling you think I am. I could kill you in a heartbeat, for my art is much greater than yours." You did not know any of Obito's justu yet, but with the surprises he's pulled, you could believe him.

Deidara hid his face in his hair and didn't take a second to protest what Obito said about art. Deidara must've been really scared.

"Ok I won't tell. But I won't let you boss me around like that anymore." Deidara said after gathering his confidence for a minute or two. "Remember, I am a higher rank of the akatsuki than you." He threatened.

Obito chuckled. "Sure."

"I'm not scared of you." Deidara stated.

"And I don't give a flying shit if you are or are not."

"ANYWAYS-" you rose your voice. "You know I can't decide between you two.

"You have to." Deidara insisted.

"No I fucking don't."

"We could always just have a threesome..." Obito suggested. You weren't sure if it was an actual idea or not.

"Omg no!" You cringed. Deidara suppressed his laughter while Obito let it all out.

"But seriously." Obito said. "You have to."

"Oh! Oh! I have an idea!" Deidara flipped his hair.

"What?" You mused.

"What if we like do things to her right now and see who's better?!" Deidara suggested.

"Uhhh." You thought for a moment. You weren't sure what to do.

If you went with Deidara's idea, you were seeing who's better at fucking you. You love fucking but personality was a big part too.

So this was what you had to deal with: Deidara, the adorable and considerate softie who's totally adorable and cares lots about you; or Obito, who is literally the biggest badass you'd ever met, and who was honestly better at fucking you and turns you on with literally anything he does.

Deidara would be better for a long distance relationship; but Obito is just so fucking hot!

Thinking about it rationally didn't help at all. You still wanted them both.

"Do you know who you want yet?" Deidara asked softly. He was so cute.

"Let her fucking thing, idiot." Obito hissed and rested his arm on top of your head. You blushed and your heart sped up.

Deidara must've noticed, because he looked really uncomfortable and then he rested his arm on you in the same way.

You turned even redder as they both tried to shove each other's arms off of you.

You loved the attention, but hated the fact that you had to choose one.

Deidara snuggled against you and hugged you tightly and you crawled into his lap and into a ball, burying your face into his chest.

"Please choose me." He mumbled. A tear ran down your cheek. Then a few more until where your face was on his shirt was wet.

"Don't you dare." Obito rested his hand on your upper thigh and massaged gently. He moved to your inner thigh and you moaned quietly. Deidara gasped in frustration and disgust at Obito.


"Uhhhhhh." You breathed. "I choose..."

Obito x Reader x DeidaraWhere stories live. Discover now