"That is an over exaggeration, Eds!" I rolled my eyes and placed my hands on my hips.

    "If anything, it's an under exaggeration." Robin laughed as she walked towards me. "You used to take forever on your hair."

    "Used to? He still does. A little less than two hours...but still" Edgar, the second oldest laughed as he walked through the door to the car.

    How am I cursed with smartalic kids...? I guess it comes with the burden of having the kids I used to babysit as neighbors who babysit for me now on date nights. Always imposing their 'wisdom' on my children.

    I sighed before turning my head back over to Robin. She had a pixie cut now. Ever since the events, she just kept cutting her hair shorter and shorter until it got to a pixie. She hasn't gone back to long hair since. "So...where's your kid, Rob? It's their day too."

    Robin's eyes widened before heading out the door. She had completely forgotten. Vickie's going to kill her...

    Me and Robin adopted our first kid a few months apart. Robin was so nervous about it at first, but Vickie was a natural and calmed all of her nerves. Ever since then, we've kind of been wine moms together. At least that's what Robin calls it.

   "Alright little gremlins, we need to get to the car before Mom here pops a blood vessel." Eddie guided them all to the door with a light push. Some being more willing to go than others. Isabelle refused to go out the door without Eddie holding her hand.

    It took a minute, but all of the kids were buckled up and I started the car. Eddie's new mixtape blasting through the speakers into the car. The current song was "Enter Sandman"

    Eddie turned his head to the backseat with a huge smile spread across his face. "Back in the day...your good ol' dad here learned this song with your mom's help." He started to point between the two of us.

    "Does that mean you can still play it?" Paul, my third oldest chimed in with a raised brow that I saw from the rear view mirror.

   "Hell yeah I can" Eddie smiled like an idiot before I hit him in the arm


   "Sorry...yeah! I can." Eddie glared over at me before crossing his arms. Can't have my kids learning more things that could get them suspended...they already know enough.

   "Also- Christine. I know you've seen that picture of your father and I swear to god if you even tr-"

    "I wouldn't, dad." She shook her head as she adjusted her cap to fit on her head better.

    "Good." I nodded my head as I pulled out of the driveway.

     The drive was just like last time. Filled with Eddie singing and dancing to all of the songs that he added onto the playlist.

    Christine begging him to stop so that no one would see, but he continued. Isabelle knew the songs by heart and belted them out with her father. Edgar silently mumbled the lyrics under his breath trying not to give away that he liked it as well. Paul was on his phone, toning out the world. The twins were in their own world (as usual) as they discussed their future D&D campaign.

    As I pulled up to the parking lot, I saw familiar faces. It was the entire gang, all grown up. Max had a poster in her hands like last time. This time it read "Go Mom's Kid!"

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