Chapter 47

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    The police were called soon after the incident. Eddie's neighbors could hear the screaming as well from their houses and did the responsible thing of calling the police.

    Chance is currently in the town jail waiting for trial on everything that he did to Eddie. To my surprise, no one took his side in it. After we gave Savannah the script, she went off of it pretty well. There's still people that dislike Eddie, but they knew that Chance had to own up to what he did.

     Savannah soon became popular. She became the person that everyone wanted to be around after living through such a traumatizing experience. She was labeled as many things. A saint for not wanting to go along with Chance's plans. A coward for not following through. But what everyone in my circle of friends knew her as was someone who helped even when she knew it was risky.

     It didn't mean we liked her. No way. She carved a letter into Eddie due to peer pressure and someone yelling at her. But, we did promise her that we would help her life get back to we did just that...and more.

     Wayne hasn't let Eddie go back to school since that day. He was pretty pissed when we told him that there was an incident before this one that we didn't inform him about. Luckily, he still allowed me to see Eddie. With how angry he was, it would be expected that he never wanted me around him again.

     Every day I've had to go to all of his teachers and ask for the homework for that day. They'd be kind enough to give it to me with some extra notes on things that he might be currently struggling on. We've still been working on his makeup packets every night after school on top of the homework that he has been provided. It was a lot of work, but somehow we made it through each day.

    Dustin was back at school. A lot of the teachers were confused due to the whole...Dustin being dead for 7 weeks and everyone attending his closed casket funeral.

     The story that we'd tell would mostly be that he hit his head after the earthquake and lost his memory. Some time over the last 7 weeks he remembered...but he had to get back. Not many people believed it. It sounded like something that would play on a soap opera. But that's the best Dustin came up with on the spot.

     I was very vigilant every day to make sure that Henderson was safe. I was constantly almost late to each period due to following him to every class discretely. I couldn't have what happened to Eddie happen to him. Dustin wouldn't take it as well as Eddie did.

     As the bell rang for the final class, I headed off to my car to see all of the nuggets there. It had been a minute since they'd done this. I couldn't help but feel like something happened.

    "Hey, guys...what are you doing here?" I awkwardly walked forward towards them with my hands in my pockets.

     Max devilishly smiled up at me before looking towards the others. "Kidnapping you"


     My vision blacked out as I hit the ground quickly.

     There was mumbling between all of them before apologies were spewed out.

    They tried to lift me but they were all too indecisive on who would lift what.

     They ended up just dragging me. I thought for sure it would be to the car and they would have Max drive like a madman...but that wasn't the case. I was being dragged off to somewhere that had a lot of turns. I knew because with every single one I'd hit the corner of the wall.

     What were these guys planning? And what was taking them so long?

     I suddenly felt their hands wrap around my arms and legs as they lifted me up in a chair to sit down.

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