Chapter 3

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(TW: Parents suck sometimes)

-Eddie's Perspective-

     As much as I hated the thought of even liking him after everything that happened, I couldn't help but want to learn more about the feelings that I was experiencing. Talking wouldn't do it for me like simple quality time would. Now it was just a matter of Steve agreeing to said quality time that was the issue.

    The only few interactions that we've had are when he almost hit his car, when he laughed his ass off at the thought of me thinking that he liked Robin, and the night of D&D. This entire week has been somewhat awkward for the two of us due to the teacher not giving us any time to talk during class, but I figured that I might just have to go for it.

   I slowly ripped a corner off of the notes that I was currently taking like a good student to write a note to pass over to Steve. It wasn't anything to necessarily write home about. It was just a simple question. "Have you ever skated before?"

   Steve's outer corners of his mouth rose to show a soft smirk before writing back in the tiniest writing that I've ever seen. Barely even legible. Once I made out the words it read "I don't pass notes, too risky. Just talk with me during lunch"

   As I looked back up, our eyes met before he nodded to look back at the current things being written on the chalkboard.

  He...really wanted to have lunch with the freak? How am I supposed to even word things right around him if we're alone? Also, if we were alone, does that mean that we'd be going to the picnic table in the woods by the school? Does he even know about it?

   I sighed and ripped another corner off of my already tore up notes before writing him a note that I tried to make as legible as possible. "Picnic table woods?"

  Steve discreetly nodded before pocketing the note all together. My eyes widened but I tried my best to play it off as though nothing happened like Steve was wanting. I tried to look around the class room as if I was innocent when I met eyes with Robin who happened to be staring at our general direction the entire time.

    No wonder Steve is a rule follower...He's always being watched by Robin.

   I sighed and went back to taking notes like a good student, Vickie's hand occasionally blocking the board for me whenever she had a question. It wouldn't have been frustrating...but Vickie asked a lot of questions about the division process in chemistry. As much as it was helpful, I couldn't see what the teacher was putting down.

    Before I knew it, the bell rang for the next class, as I turned to look over to talk with Steve to make sure he knew where he was going for lunch, he was long gone. I couldn't exactly blame him. The periods between classes were only five minutes, so if it was a long trip, then you had to book it to be on time.

   The next two class periods went by relatively fast.

     English being one of the easier subjects for me, somehow the school allowing me to make up some credits with a creative writing class, which seriously helped with campaigns. Whenever I was stuck, I'd word it like a story, and everyone was always one step ahead with another idea.

   Math even went by fast as well, for not as fun of a reason. We had a test. As much as I wished that I could've remembered how to do multiplication with fractions, I still couldn't master it. The teacher offered me after school classes, but I denied. It's only around a week into the school year. I could probably get it on my own without a some point.

   As lunch time rolled around, I felt my heart start to flutter as I made my way into the woods from the back of the school. While some people would find it sketchy, I kind of always found comfort that no one wanted to go here besides me, and the occasional person who wanted to hide from the adult eyes.

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