Chapter 33

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-Steve's perspective-

"'You are a very fine person, Mr. Baggins, and I am very fond of you; but you are only quite a little fellow in a wide world after all! ' 'Thank goodness' said Bilbo laughing, and handed him the tobacco jar." I slowly closed the book before looking up. "We finished another book, Eds... should we move on to Lord of the Rings?"

There was no answer. I expected as much. "Well...I think we should." I smiled while looking at the bedridden boy.

It has been three weeks since that night. Jason's friends did end up calling an ambulance before what people are calling an earthquake.

The paramedics told me that he died for a few minutes but somehow by some miracle he came back.

He has been non responsive since then. He was in a constant state of sleep. Casts were on the majority of his body.

Eddie was on life support. The town wasn't supportive of our decision to do so. They saw him as a murderer and thought it would be a just end for him to die. Me and Eddie's uncle fought like hell to keep him alive.

I tried to stay positive just in case if he could hear me...but inside I wanted to just...end it. Life didn't feel like it had much purpose now of days.

Dustin decided to be a hero that night after us specifically telling him not to. He rode his bike far enough to get away from the others until the bats took him over.

Breaking the news to Dustin's mom was...the hardest part. She trusted me with her child. She even told me that she did. The one time I'm not the babysitter...

Without Dustin or Eddie here...all I had was Robin. She quickly became my rock. I felt bad that every time I saw her I just cried...but she was the only person I trusted enough to do so with.

Every weekend we'd volunteer at the Hawkins High Cafeteria together. Robin and Vickie seemed to be hitting it off well during that time. It was nice to see Rob so..happy.

I got thrown from my thoughts as I heard the door click. Max and Lucas walked in with an awkward smile and a wave "Hey Steve"

"Hey guys..." I mumbled before placing down the book onto the side table next to me.

"You're still reading to him?" Max furrowed her eyebrows with concern. "He probably can't even hear you..."

I sighed before leaning my head forward to between my legs. "'re probably right. But I can't stop visiting him. He sacrificed so much to do this for us...least I could do is read to him."

The two nodded before sitting next to me on the couch to the side of the hospital bed.

"What brings you guys here anyways? I's been since he originally came here that you've visited."

Lucas and Max shared a look to each other while widening their eyes at each other as if they were trying to communicate telepathically.

"Are you going to tell him or am I?" Lucas whispered to Max thinking I wouldn't hear.

I sighed before standing up. "What is it you guys are here for? Come on. Spill it. You're not just here for fun."

"Eleven's back in town." Max blurted out. "She has her powers back so... she could...see if he's in there."

"What do you mean if he's in there? Of course he is! I mean look at him! He's breathing." I accidentally yell while pointing at Eddie.

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