Chapter 20

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-Steve's perspective-

       Looking around Nancy's room felt weird. I hadn't been up here since we were together. Dating together.

       Me and Nancy shared a knowing look at each other before turning away acting busy with looking.

      Why was this so awkward? We're friends now...right? We're past any awkward chit chat it's been...enough time to move forward.

       Yeah...enough time to move on.

I've had more than enough time. So why did I still feel like this for her? It's been a while since we broke up. I've had multiple flings since her. So why am I holding on?

I might never know the answer. Nancy was my first love, but that doesn't mean I should cling to her still. There's another person I feel this for.

Only problem? He's straight. He had a thing for Chrissy. I mean... she was in his trailer. They had to have been close....where is he anyways?

      I looked around the room to see Eddie standing in the corner awkwardly staring at the ceiling.

      "Dude...what are you doing?" I joke before grabbing his chin and pointing it towards me.

      Realizing I was being a little too touchy, I hurried and withdrew my hand. "Sorry...didn't really think that one through."

       I might've imagined things but it looked like... Eddie was...blushing?

       Eddie shook his head and looked at the ground. "Haven't been in a girl's room. Want to respect Nancy's privacy and all that."

        I chuckled a little and looked to the ground as well. Not really something I'd expect Eddie to do. "That's cool I guess."

        I looked up to see Nancy was basically tearing her room apart. She was throwing shoe boxes into the air while they were still full of shoes. One almost hit Robin.

      "Woah, Nance what are you doing?" Robin asked while grabbing onto her shoulders to stop her.

       "I can't...I can't find them." Nancy sighed and bowed her head in shame.

      "Find what?" I step in trying to help.

      "The guns, Steve. It's...all different."

       I looked around the room at the remnants of what the room looks like. "You haven't really changed anything. It looks just like how it did."

It honestly kind of had a nostalgia factor. Did Nancy keep her room the same after all this time?

      Nancy sighed and grabbed another shoebox. "Exactly. It's exactly the same as..." she quickly started looking around the room and picked up flash cards. "Steve. These are the flash cards we used."

      I laughed slightly. "Kinda weird you kept them....but alright."

      Nancy sighed before sitting down on her bed. "I didn't, dingus." A word she learned from Robin I bet.

      I leaned against the wall and sighed. "'s the exact same room as the night we studied?" I would make sense why it felt so... similar.

       Nancy nodded before hitting the rest of her body onto the bed. "That means we have nothing..."

       Robin tried to comfort her by laying next to her and trying to come up with a plan. They got closer over this time that I couldn't be around for either of them.

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