Chapter 35

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-Steve's perspective-

"Of course we missed you" I practically pounced on him with a hug.

"Ow ow ow...Steve, no offense but please get off." Eddie laughed lightly "broken bones...remember?"

I felt my face heat up as I let go. That was embarrassing...and in front of everyone too? Pull yourself together, Harrington. "Oh yeah... uh sorry about that."

"No're good." He smiled while looking at me. His eyes had a white film on them. Could he see me? Is that his new eyes?

There was an awkward silence in the room as everyone just stared at the bedridden Eddie.

"So like, are you blind?" Mike blurts out from the corner of the room. "Cause your eyes look kinda freaky."

All of our eyes widened as we looked over to Mike. Eddie's jaw dropped as well. That not necessary.

"MIKE!" Robin yelled out before looking over at Eddie "I'm so sorry for his behavior."

"Well...everyone was thinking it." Mike sighed before crossing his arms and leaning further into the corner. "Might as well get it out of the way."

Eddie sighed before closing his eyes "Didn't realize it was that obvious...I was gonna keep it to least until later."

I felt my eyebrows furrow as I grabbed onto Eddie's hand. "So it's true? You're...blind?"

Eddie sighed again before opening his eyes to show the white again. "Yeah..." he then started to chuckle. "Actually glad I can't see the looks of pity you guys are giving me"

Robin sighed before walking closer to Eddie and grabbing his other hand. "Well...that doesn't change anything. So what you can't see? You're still Eddie.'re alive! That's another bonus."

Eddie slowly started to smile. "Thank you, Robin"

Robin slowly nodded before squeezing his hand a little. "Yeah... any time."

Eddie's face flinched in pain and softly chuckled "yeah..those are broken too."

Robin's eyes went wide as she let go. "So sorry about that."

There was another pause as everyone just stared at him. Why was it so uncomfortable all of a sudden? I mean he's awake, right?

"So...uh... how long was I out?" Eddie smiled "hopefully a only a few days"

"Three weeks." I sighed while getting up from his bed. "I read to you every day....but I guess you didn't hear now it kinda feels stupid that I did it."

Eddie's smile went wider. "You read to me, Eve? Every day? I dunno...sounds like you secretly care about me."

I felt my face heat up. "Shut up, Eds. It's obvious that I do."

Eddie chuckled under his breath. "Well...I care about you too."

"God...get a room." Mike lifted up the upper half of his lip to scoff. "Come on, El."

El looked super confused but went along with Mike as he grabbed her hand and led her out of the room.

"Well...uh... I should probably watch out for the kids...make sure they uh... are safe and all that." Robin smiled before winking at me and slowly following behind the two.

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